On a mission.

Oct 25, 2003 23:28

I am taking Star's silence to mean that we are officially over. Whatever it was we had together. Maybe it's for the best. I'm not even supposed to be dating during my recovery. Not to mention evertime I date someone I screw it up. Except for Meaghan, I can honestly say I didn't screw that one up. Did I screw it up with Lisa Turpin? I don't remember. But I know I did with Blaise, Lavender, and now Star. Not to mention I was branding Tempest and Gizelda whores when I treated them exactly the way I was disgusted by how they were acting. How can you not be a whore when the guy you are sleeping with treats you like one? That's what I did. Maybe it was the floo powder and booze talking with those two though. But much to my chagrin it was probably just me being an asshole and being immature. So, that is why I am swearing off women and relationships and flirting and anything of the sort for the time being. I just can't handle it right now. Hear that Lavender Brown? I am going without a girlfriend or any intimacy for now. No need to crucify me anymore! But I will still talk to them and be friends, I don't think I could stop that. One of my good friends is a girl anyway. So Tale, I still want to hang out and stuff, and I promise no funny business.
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