May 06, 2007 00:11
Today was Roadtrip day
Greg, Tanya and I drove 3 hours to Jamestown to go watch my old band, and Jeff Carl's current band Konnected play. while honestly, i thought it would be awkward spending that much time in the car with Greg and Tanya, it was actually extremely fun, and all-together necessary.we eventually made it to the location, and caught some of the show, which turned out to be great, minus the fact that it was strange being back there with all those people. it felt like i was sitting in some ex girlfriends room or something...everything was so familiar, but things were totally different.
today was also necessary in the sense that Greg and I actually had the chance to talk. For some odd reason freshman year, Greg and I lost touch, and it was definetly nice to pick up where we left off. There was no awkward small talk, and we went into completely goofing around like we always used to do. It all seemed bittersweet, considering Greg may be spending the next school year as a foreign exchange student, so it was nice to spend as much time with him as I could
The ride home was a scene straight from a movie. Two guys and a girl, just driving along the highway, listening to completely chill music and talking about the strangest stuff. this made me realize, how I don't really have much time left at all before i graduate, and I need to be having as much fun as a possibly can. High school has practically flown by, and though I'm only a junior, i still don't know where the time went. In a year, I'll be turning 18, graduating high school, getting ready for college, and leaving the halls of west high for good. it's strange to think about how much life is going to be completely different within a time span of 365 days.
On another note, things with Meaghan and I have been incredible. she leaves for Cornell on August 12, which kind of sucks to know this early, because it feels as if there's a deadline on our relationship. We still don't know what we're going to do in regards to staying together while she's away for a couple reasons. One, it's still a ways away, two, a lot can change in a few months, and three, neither of us want something insanely messy if something was too come about. If we do decide to stay together, she's only in Ithaca, so things would work out perfectly, but I've decided to leave it in her hands.
Another decision i've come too, is that if we do break up, i'm pretty sure i'm done with the whole "high-school dating scene", because there's really no point in going through a break up like that a third time. I guess that depends on a lot of other scenario's, so i do'nt have to worry about that for a while.
this entry is kind of ADD-ish, but i just felt like getting stuff off my chest..