The Toryscum hired some pretty despicable "online activism" consultants to build them a social movement around the fact that the Unions (which founded the Labour party) fund the Labour party. Presumably to distract from the fact they get a ton of money from their tax-exile party Chairman. Anyway, this included an unfiltered stream from twitter.
So we took it over and started posting anti-Tory stuff as well as reasoned debate about the issues.
And then it got silly.
Here's a helpful timeline (clicky for larger):
That's right. Unlike twitter or any sane web-ui, they took the raw text and just slammed it right in there.
GIANT RED LETTERS. Rick Rolls (well done Mr
deathboy), Lemon Party...
guardian writeup (contains swearing)
Makes me proud to be British-Internet it does.
- Aidan