So long 2008, Welcome 2009

Jan 01, 2009 00:10

Have a happy new year!

Have a great year ahead, be it in work and all things that matter!

A year of mixed emotions and somehow I am still confused and none the wiser.....


The year that has been - Got my transfer to transactions strategy and left audit in April. Learnt a lot over the past 9 months but still very unsure of what I exactly want. But I know I hated long hours.....Travelled for both work and training and met lots of new people as usual

The year ahead - Gotta fight hard for my promotion to manager given the tough economic times and firms policy of promoting only the deserving. Crossing my fingers for training in London. Hoping that my mind will soon be clear once and for all about my career options


The year that has been - Ran 2 marathons (sundown and stanchart), a couple of shorter runs and has been the pioneer batch F1 race marshals. Got a lot more time on hand after the transfer but somehow still feeling the lack of times at times (especially when I am on project)

The year ahead - More marathons and shorter runs and hopefully score another turn as race marshals when the F1 race comes again in Sept. Planned to get started on driving once again but on automatic license this time round


The year that has been - Met a lot more people through work and play and have cultivated some strong friendships. Otherwise, still close to the usual groups - Niners and my NS mates. Through some weddings, have met up with people not seen for long time (Sec and JC classmates). Still single though, haha. Attended more weddings but less funerals this year

The year ahead - No expectations though a proper relationship is fine. Otherwise, maintaining current contacts while meeting new ones. Peace and happiness and good health to all
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