
Jun 26, 2006 06:59

Who: Aida, Essdara
Where: Infirmary -> Hatching Galleries
When: No timestamp; a few days after the class.
What: An uneasy peace is reached between the two, but hostility continues to lurk in the wings.

Lunch is past in the busy weyr, and the people in the infirmiry have returned to their tasks. Patients need feeding, cleaning, and checking on, new patients need tending to. Into the mess comes Essdara, her expression a mix of uncertainty and determination; proof that two such emotions can coexsit. Ignoring most people who try to greet her with a polite smile, she spends a long minute looking for, and finding, the person she wants. Aida, squarely in her sight, is approached sowly. She clears her throat when in range, giving the girl warning of her arrival.

Someone may have had a bit more to drink the night previous than she'd like. Aida's looking a bit paler than usual, though she's wearing a faint smile as she bustles about. She's not a healer; she doesn't try to be -- but she can deal with any number of small scrapes and little problems that don't actually require a healer's attention. She's just finishing up with one of the younger girls from the laundry when she hears Dara's throat-clearing. There's a quick glance, and then she looks back to what she's doing, tucking the bandage in place and declaring, "Don't play with it." Said girl's hair is ruffled, and then Aida is straightening and turning towards Dara, promptly bringing her arms up to cross them over her chest as she regards the other girl. It's not a hostile demeanor, precisely -- but it's far, far less than friendly, too.

Essdara looks at Aida for a long moment, her own posture obviously forced into it's openness. Finally, she closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. What she says, though, is lost to the noise of the crowd and the quietness of her words. But the fact that, having said them, she relaxes a little and looks to Aida with an apprehensively hopeful expression says the words were not meant in hostility or confrontation.

There's another quiet moment of eying Dara, and then Aida just rolls her eyes. A face is made a moment later, and then she's bounding forward to try and pounce on the other girl for a tight hug, giving a mock-growl to go with it. "Grr!"

Essdara erfs softly and accepts the hug, even goin so far as to return it. She sighs softly. "Aida.. Can we talk somewhere? Not here?" She looks around warily. "I think it would be best to say some of this in private."

Aida makes another noise that is probably meant to express some of her frustration, then gives another squeeze. "Yes," she agrees after a moment, sliding back. "I'll just be a moment." With that said, she turns to go sliding off towards one of the healers in particular, putting on a sunny smile as she goes.

Essdara smilesa little and waits for her friend's return. Once she does, Dara slips her hand into Aida's, and leads her out into the bowl. Once outside, it is a short walk towards the hatching caverns, and the galleries within.

Once there, Essdara leads her to one of the benches, and sits down, tugging Aida down next to her, and not religuishing her hand. She is quiet a long moment before speaking. "I need you to understand something, Aida. I know I was unpleasant, especially last night. And I do apologise for that. But I need you to understand that you hurt me very much, and that it's hard for me to accept your friendship when you did that to me. I know you meant well, but I don't think you had the right to do that. Not after knowing me for a day, and not like that, aggressively and harshly."

Letting the other girl get her words out first, Aida lifts an eyebrow slightly. She does eventually try and pull her hand away, so that she can scoot around on the bench and shift to face Essdara, one leg tucked up beneath her. When the other girl has finished saying her piece, a mixture of emotions rises up in response -- and are shut down so quickly and shoved from her expression that they're difficult to identify. It really doesn't take her long to dip her head in assent, and her voice is calm when she says her simple, "I apologize."

Essdara smiles gently at her. "Thank you, Aida. You have no idea what that means to me. I've had a very intense week, and it's going to take a long time to work through. But I would rather have you as my friend than as my adversary."

"It does make life easier," Aida agrees, lifting her head again and offering a smile. There's something a wee bit off about it, but hey. It's a smile. "I don't quite think I am ready for having adversiaries within the Weyr, mm?"

Essdara's smile, small as it is, fades a bit at Aida's own untrue one. "I assume, Aida, you will not tell me whatever it is you aren't telling me? I won't preassure you, though." She sighs softly, and looks out at the sands. "This is where I came after the class yesturday. Alone, with a wineskin. I look back, and can't believe that I would do such a thing, but it seemed the only choice at the time."

"Sometimes one does what one must," Aida says lightly, shrugging one shoulder loosely. She slides back further away on the bench, then turns and slides up to her feet. Once she's up a hand lifts to ruffle through her hair, and she wanders down in the direction of the railing. "I tend to avoid wine most of the time myself, but on occasion I drink a bit."

Essdara sighs softly. "It might have been for the best, really. It was, after that rider took you off, a..." She pauses, as the word she wants, and shrugs. "Intersting night. It enlightened me to many things, not the least of which is how I treated you, Aida. I am sorry."

"Enlightenment is usually good," Aida comments agreeably, moving to lean up against the railing and staring down towards the sand with a distant sort of expression. "Don't worry about it; you had right to be angry with me."

Essdara shrugs softly. "No excuse." She says, simply. She sighs, and lays out on the stone bench. "I might be going away for a while. Dunno where, yet, but I need to get away."

"Not a bad idea," Aida replies, drawing a hand up to start toying with a lock of hair, winding it around her finger before releasing it, all of it idle. "If it can be managed. Not that I see why you wouldn't be able to manage it. Time away would probably be good for you."

Essdara nods a little bit. "For everyone, I think. Don't think anyone would much mind a break from me, 'specially how I've been lately." She looks up at the cieling. "No, definately a good idea."

Chuckling lowly, Aida shakes her head. Her hand drops from her hair again, fingers settling light on the rail. "Agreed; it's a good idea." Beat. "So how 'bout the class, huh? I am now going to admit that I think I may've been entirely wrong about the Headmaster."

"Huh. See, I'd've said you were probably right." Dara admits. "I think, soon, I will do my best to not see him much. I don't see any good coming of it. If he said nothing else worth hearing in there, which he did don't get me wrong, it was to point out I don't belong there. Dunno why I got roped in in the first place."

"He..." Aida trails off there, then shakes her head lightly. "I think that I was wrong," she finally states after a moment of contemplation. "But to each their own. I think everyone likely took something different away from that conversation."

Essdara nods softly, and stands. She looks thoughtful, and not entirely happy. "I think I will let you go now, Aida. I'm sorry for dragging you up here."

"It wasn't the proper discussion for the infirmary," Aida points out, shifting on her feet so she can glance back over her shoulder at Dara again. "Thank you for coming and speaking to me; it is appreciated."

Essdara nods softly, and shuffles off out of the galleries.

essdara, aida

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