Feb 26, 2008 17:34
Conference was pretty awesome. Drove immune system into the ground and got sick right afterwards -- nasty cold, I think, since my digestion is a-okay. Just getting over it now... hopefully.
Greatly enjoyed Chris Hecker's talk this year as well. I'll probably throw my notes up somewhere.
Spore is still going to rock my socks. Caryl Shaw's lecture on their community portal and content "pollination" got me all abuzz.
Useful information from lectures on environment design in Halo 3 and using various metrics to get objective user response data during testing.
Lin seriously knows every game developer in the Bay Area. I'm slowly beginning to see commonalities between the various outgoing community manager folks I know.
More later. Need to blow my nose. >.>
"We need people to be able to paint AI. Whatever the fuck that means." -- Hecker, summing up his lecture nicely