Misandry in Popular Culture, Part 1

Mar 26, 2008 00:30

I usually try to use gender-neutral pronouns, but for this post, I'm not doing that... Check out this post first. (disclaimer: the following was written by my evil twin)

The following:


On the recommendation of several well-respected friends, I decided to check out the show Firefly. It only received glowing reviews from my friends, so I went in expecting some solid entertainment. Much to my horror, I was bombarded with hateful anti-male propaganda.

Some of my friends mentioned that Joss Whedon (the show's creator) is generally considered a feminist, so that should have sent up many warning signals. This trash that spewed from that hack is only a disturbing look into the increasing misandric influence in our society. Culture constantly encourages us to emasculate men, rape them, and make them our slaves. It's sickening.

Never before have I seen something so incredibly disgusting as this piece of filth. Words can not describe how terrible the anti-male theme of this show is, but I shall try.

For now, we'll inspect the pilot. The pilot is an hour and a half of sheer torture. It's so abhorrent that Fox of all stations was so scared of it that they refused to air it and requested a new pilot.

Who can blame that wise station?

The episode opens with some gratuitous shots of males being slaughtered.

That should have been clue enough that I should just have turned off the DVD, but no, I had to soldier on. My friends couldn't be so wrong, could they?

Then some male (who I later discovered was the hero of the show) made up for a lack of a penis by using a really big gun. This is reprehensible!!

It just got worse and worse.

Our "hero" went on to comfort an underling.

Underling: We're gonna die!
"Hero": We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so very pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die.

"We are just too pretty for God to let us die."??? Is this the 1950s?? There is more to men than their prettiness! Surely a supreme being would look past such a thing and let them live because they're good people... but no, this show tells us that men are only good for their looks. This is nauseating.

And the underling just wasn't pretty enough for the "hero"'s God. Loathsome all around.

Mr. Whedon, how do you sleep at night? Think of all the impressionable young men who saw that and no longer felt that they had any self worth! You should be ASHAMED! Anti-male pig...

Fast forward a few years, and the "hero" is no less repulsive and has picked up a group of weak males to be enslaved by women.

Males on this show can have no dignity; they must be as stupid as possible and infantilized. Take, for example, the adult male who plays with toys WHILE ON THE JOB! This depiction of males is reprehensible.

Terrible, terrible show! I spit on you.

THEN! we are treated to a scene of a male, who can never go within twenty feet of a female without having to pay money, begging his latest Companion to stay with him for all eternity.

This Companion, who turns out to be our "hero"'s main enslaver, spurns the poor young man. Later, the Main Enslaver has a good laugh with another female of the ship at this male's expense. Despicable.

Because there isn't enough males to push around on the ship, the young Mechanic goes fishing for some more. She easily ensnares a black man. I BET THAT THIS IS RACIST SOMEHOW!!

Yes, yes, more men to emasculate! The ones already there were getting boring, it seems. This show is revolting, but it still manages to sink deeper and deeper into its miasma.

After the racist hunting scene, we're subjected to a scene of the Big Dumb Muscle (the archetype of offensive male stereotypes!) trying to figure out numbers and whining about money. Probably wants to buy more shoes or something. I hate you, show!

Meanwhile, the First Mate checks out the "hero"'s small package. Men are not just things for women to ogle! They have feelings and hopes and dreams. Stop demeaning them, show. Men are magical flowers and it's disgusting to treat them this way! They're people, too!

The "hero" has been completely coopted into the misandrist teaching that Mr. Whedon has thrust into this show. He chastises the other male, saying "Jayne, your mouth is talking. You might wanna look to that." Like a male doesn't have a RIGHT TO TALK! This show is trying to take away basic rights from males! How can anyone enjoy this garbage?!?!??!

Our "hero" is supposed to be the captain of the ship, but no one takes him seriously. "Oh, yeah. This is gonna go great," the First Mate sneers after our "hero" tries to formulate a plan.

No male gets any respect in this show. They're just slaves of the women; their supposed titles of authority (such as "captain") don't mean a thing. They're only there for the women's pleasure. I don't know how much more of this I can take...

A male "villain" is introduced to shake the episode up. It's too bad the "villain" is an idiot, aiming his gun at some of the males then becoming confused and shooting behind him.

How are we supposed to take this seriously? All this anti-male propaganda is making me sick to the stomach.

After the "villain" is easily subdued, the Token Male Doctor begins a long, long speech starting this way:

"I am very smart. I went to the best Medacad in Osiris, top three percent of my class, finished my internship in eight months. "Gifted" is the term. So when I tell you that my little sister makes me look like an idiot child, I want you to understand my full meaning. River was more than gifted. She... she was a gift."

Token pretends to be smart, but we all know that Token, like all males on this show, is dumber than a bag of bricks. He's enslaved to his sister and gives long speeches to strangers about her brilliance and talent at the drop of a hat. Sick sick sick.

The show tries to make the brother and sister relationship sweet, but his total enslavement to her makes the relationship SICK!! Die, you stupid show.

The show quickly goes on to emasculate other males further. Oh, a male needs comforting at the slightest sign of trouble.

How empowering.

They meet up with a woman on some moon who travels with a whole group of male slaves that she probably rapes daily! She belittles our "hero" at every chance, one time going so far as to say to him, "you just ain't very bright, are you?"

What filth is this?? Why is it OK to disparage males' intelligence at every opportunity? This show isn't even trying to hide that it hates men.

Look at this, the "villain" tries to make a stand.

But, as we all know, the "villain" is quickly murdered for a laugh from the audience. Yes, the death of a male is just a joke to these people.

Of course, it's not enough to kill males -- we must continue to mock the living.

Oh, that Big Dumb Muscle is stupid. Can't follow simple directions. How clever.

Oh, that Preacher starts crying about the silliest things and needs to be comforted by a woman. How empowering.

Then the Pilot is raped by the First Mate.

I bet that scenes like that play out in the Whedon household. Where else would the inspiration come from?

Sick, sick, sick.

In conclusion, Firefly is an evil, anti-male show, and I'm glad that it was canceled!


Next up: "The Train Job"?!?!

REPEATING: I don't endorse any of the opinions held in this post.

EDIT (morning, 30 March): I haven't replied to everyone, so I'm giving a mass thank you to everyone for the kind words! Everyone's so nice. <3

EDIT: If interested:

Part 2: "The Train Job" & "Bushwhacked"
Part 3: "Shindig" and "Safe"
Part 4: "Our Mrs. Reynolds" and "Jaynestown"


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