McCain "wins" debate!

Sep 27, 2008 08:39

 Read this article:

Apparently McCain started running ads on the internet the morning of the debate that declared he had won the debate that had yet to take place.  This guy is such a slimeball.  He "suspends" his campaign, but then of course continues everything campaigny he had been doing, to look presidential.  Instead he just looks delusional.  Then he says he will go to the debate because "they were close" to a resolution after an obviously terrible political fallout caused by his presence in the capital.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, suffice it to say, this guy's brain isn't firing on all cylinders.  He thinks that if he says words then somehow it will bring them into being.

Any idea what that condition is called?

Oh, and Mr. McCain, Obama has a degree from Harvard and has spent his entire life trying to master the nuances of public policy and US law.  You might not agree with his way of addressing our current problems, but let's be clear:  There is little you could say to him that he wouldn't understand.   So saying some version of Obama doesn't understand 6 times during the debate is just wishful thinking and maybe a little senile.  Yet another instance of speaking the words and hoping that is enough for them to come true.

One of these days I'll write about Scrabble again.  I promise. 

debate, delusion, mccain

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