2 Games from Nationals

Aug 15, 2008 11:43

I've been dragging my feet to get around to my games from Nationals. Mostly, it's because most of the games were blowouts one way or the other and Quackling them, I didn't learn anything after the fact. the games I am choosing to post are going to fit into one of the following categories:

a) spread of less than ~50
b) endgame (even if it's a blowout)
c) super fun
d) proud of my play regardless of the outcome

No one cares to see me draw the bag, play sub-optimally, and beat a mediocre player by 150. That does nothing for us. So, here are my first two write-ups. As always, comments are welcome.

Game 4 - Luise Shafritz

Play the Game

This one fits into category A from above. The play isn't spectacular, there are two big phoneys involved, but I am proud of this one, because I maintained my composer and pulled out what would have been a loss against a better player.

I win 399-390

Game 11 - James Henderson

Play the Game

This one fits into categories A, C, and D. James got a phoney by me early which I didn't even think would be bad. There are so many variant spellings and similar words that I didn't even consider it. We both hit bad drawing spells in the middle, but he emerged with both of the blanks, and my late bingo gave up a huge spot for him to seal the game.  I am interested to hear what people think about the near end game.

I lose 368-398


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