Need a place to stay for a night at Nationals

Jul 09, 2008 10:49

I just checked my plane ticket and I am flying into Orlando at 10:55 July the 24th.  the house I am going to be staying in doesn't open until the 25th, so I was hoping someone might have room for another body somewhere for a night.

Hopefully, I can find something because the fee to change the flight would be more than kicking some money to someone for a nights stay.

Any help is greatly appreciated.  If you have space or anyone you know has space, please contact me here or at aibretty at gmail.  I will probably cross-post this to Scrabbling and maybe CGP as a last resort.

In other news, I am terribly hungover.  Therefore, the anagram of the day is:



hangover, icky, still drunk, hungover, orlando, hope, crapulous, stayover*, stranger, generosity, dazed, nationals, pity, tired, debacle

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