Title: Now's Good
aibhinnRating: PG
Pairing: Jack/Ianto (no, I'm not kidding)
Summary: Tosh has plans for the weekend. So does Ianto. Jack approves.
Disclaimer: I really, really have no right to play with these characters. I'd be terribly embarrassed if anyone from the show happened upon any of this. That said, everything I write is for the love of the characters, the stories, and the actors involved. I make no money whatsoever from this. (Though if the BBC's hiring writers, I'd be happy to give it a go....)
Author's Note: This is my Vewwy First Ever Jack/Ianto fic. Written for round 1.08 of
writerinadrawer. Prompt: Two POVs--the same story from two points of view.
It was eight o'clock on Friday evening, and for once, Tosh was eager to leave the Hub. She'd met a bloke last week and he'd asked her out for dinner. Knowing she'd have to leave from work, she took a chance and wore a nice dress, hoping she'd not be required to do any running today.
"Heading home, Tosh?" Ianto asked, stopping on his way towards the records room. His hands were full of dark-blue file folders, indicating that these were 'dead' files-cases that had been wrapped or reports of alien technology collected and catalogued.
"Going to dinner," she said, flushing just a little.
His eyebrows rose. "A date?" he asked. Her flush deepened and she glanced away, nodding, but caught his smile out of the corner of her eye-a real, broad smile, not a smirk. "That's brilliant," he said sincerely. "I'm glad."
She smiled too, still a little uncomfortable, and stood to take her coat off the hook where she kept it. "What about you?" she asked. "Any plans for the weekend?"
"Oh, not really," he said with a shrug. Tosh noticed Jack come out of his office and head over towards Gwen's workstation with his 'man on a mission' stride. "Thought I'd have a weekend in. Get some laundry done-though I need to buy some more soap powder-and maybe watch a movie or two."
"Sounds lovely," she said politely, not really hearing him. She was going to be late if she didn't hurry. Swiftly buttoning her coat, she flashed a smile at him and picked up her handbag. "See you Monday."
"You've got your mobile?" Jack called as she headed for the door.
"Of course." She waved her handbag in illustration. "G'night!"
"Good night," Ianto and Jack said, almost simultaneously. The door rolled away, and she dashed through, car keys already in hand.
Jack came out of his office, frowning. He was sure he'd had that Evan Wilson file, but it wasn't on his desk. Had he left it on Gwen's earlier?
"Oh, not really," Ianto was saying with a shrug, talking to Tosh. Automatically, Jack's attention shifted to him without changing his body language in the slightest, not even glancing his way. It was one of the ways he kept his finger on the collective and individual pulse of his team without making them feel like they were being watched. "Thought I'd have a weekend in. Maybe get some laundry done-though I need to buy some more soap powder-and maybe watch a movie or two."
Jack blinked, then allowed a slow smile to spread across his face. A weekend in-that was Ianto's long-standing code for Come over this weekend, Jack. He reached Gwen's workstation, found the Wilson file, and turned to see Ianto looking straight at him. He winked, and Ianto's mouth curved into a small, private smile that caused a definite rush of blood southward.
"Sounds lovely," Tosh said, and both he and Ianto turned towards her again. Though everyone at Torchwood knew the two of them had a current Thing going, by mutual tacit agreement neither of them let it interfere with work or even allowed themselves to be demonstrative when the others were around. She finished buttoning her coat and grabbed her handbag, heading for the door. "See you Monday!"
"You've got your mobile?" Jack called, more for form's sake than anything else.
"Of course!" She waved her handbag to show it was in there. "G'night!"
"Good night," Jack echoed, nearly at the same time as Ianto. Before the door had rolled back into place behind her, he was moving towards his lover. "And just when were you planning to go home this evening?" he asked in his deepest, sexiest voice as he came up to Ianto, knowing he was smirking and not caring in the slightest.
"Oh, I don't know," Ianto said. He took the file from Jack's hand and laid it and the ones he held down on the table beside him. "Everyone else is gone for the night. How's now for you?"
"Now's good," Jack breathed, took Ianto's face in his hands, and kissed him.