Meniere's disease flareup: day four

Mar 19, 2010 13:15

Meniere's Disease is an inner-ear problem that can cause several different symptoms. For me, it presents as dizzy spells, lasting anything from less than a second to well over a minute. Which sucks, believe me. When even sitting on the sofa watching TV makes you feel like you're on a boat, nothing's easy, even the simplest things--like bending down to pick up the remote you just dropped, or reaching over to grab the phone. And driving? Hah. Not a chance.

I went to the doctor on Wednesday (not my usual provider--she's out--but another doctor in the clinic) and he prescribed the same meds I'd had three years ago with my first flare-up: Anti-Vert. Last time, it worked a treat, which was great, since that first flare-up happened just a couple weeks before we were scheduled to go to England for the first time. This time, not so much. It's helping, don't get me wrong, but I *still* haven't made it to work, and this morning was the worst dizzy spell I'd had since this flareup began. The longest, anyway. And now, after two pills (I take three a day, so one this morning and one about noon), I'm still mildly dizzy.

This, as you might suspect, makes for an Unhappy Lissa.

I called the clinic, and it turns out that both my usual provider *and* the doc I saw on Wednesday are out today--which means the soonest I can get in is Monday. At 3:30. So all I can do is keep taking my meds, be very careful as I move around, and hope things get better...because if I run out of sick leave, life is suddenly going to become VERY unhappy around here. :P

NOT a happy camper.

meniere's disease, pity party, sick

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