Tagged by
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
(Meh. I'm not tagging anyone.)
1. My left foot is half a size bigger than my right foot.
2. My big toe is the longest of my toes.
3. I have a whole routine for how I get into my car, and it nearly always happens in this order: Toss my handbag on the passenger seat; get in the car; close the door; put the key in the ignition; buckle my seatbelt; start the car.
4. I have never broken a bone.
5. The only time I've ever spent the night in the hospital was right after I was born.
6. The first song I remember learning as a kid was "Edelweiss," from The Sound of Music.
7. I was offered a National Merit Scholarship when I was a senior, but I had to turn it down because it was to the wrong university--I had a full ride to one, but the scholarship was for another. So officially, I was a National Merit Finalist. I also scored a 5 on the AP Humanities test, but that score I got to keep.
And, in the spirit of that last one, yet another meme!
Your result for The Improved Book Character-Savvy Test...
More than good :)
You scored 71% Best Seller, 74% Classic and 92% Fantasy/Sci-Fi!
Well, well, well... We're pretty good at this, huh? Maybe we can work on our Classics... And if you prefer you can rent the Best-Sellers, yes. But it's quite good. Congrats.
Your rank: Lieutenant Kif Kroker (Just because I can. And he's a nice guy, isn't he?)
Take The Improved Book Character-Savvy Test at