Good news! And a meme.

Sep 15, 2009 20:17

Ulysses chapter 7 is off to beta in just a few minutes!! :) The plot, she is a-thickening.... muahahahahahahahaha.

Meantime, since I'm too braindead to do anything else, a meme:

My username is: aibhinn, because it's been my fanfic name since I started writing the stuff, way back in... oh, 2003? I think. I chose that because my previous obsession hobby had been the SCA, and my persona in that was from 12th-century Scotland. I'd researched a plausible 12th-century Scottish name, too: Aibhinn ingen Mael Eoin mhic Dhomnaill, which means "Eve, the daughter of John, who's the son of Donnell." So, yes, I had the name "Eve" and the derivative of "MacDonald" BOTH in my SCA name ten years ago. Coincidence? Hm.

My journal name is: Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Most people recognize that as a quote from T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," which I think is probably my favorite poem of all time. I chose it because I feel like that's what I'm trying to do: disturb my universe, and my family's, and my friends', by moving out of the country. It's more than a little scary--and thus, "Do I Dare..." is appropriate. (Also, T.S. Eliot was an American expatriate in the UK, too!)

My title is: She of the Unpronounceable Name, which was given to me by alliekiwi. I just love it; it reminds me of Rumpole of the Bailey's "She Who Must Be Obeyed." (For what it's worth, my name's pronounced, roughly, EEF-vynn.)

My subtitle is: Nonexistent. I haven't come up with anything clever enough.

My friends page is called: For I have known them all already, known them all.... Again with the quote from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." It's a great poem for anyone who's doubting themselves.

My default userpic is: this one! A picture of London at sunset, looking west over the river and the city. Bet you can't guess why I chose it. ;)

ulysses, good news, meme, writing

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