Jul 03, 2009 12:40
Before I go any further, remember that this is western Washington state and almost no-one has AC in their houses/apartments, mkay? :D
It's already 80 degrees F (27 degrees C), and it's supposed to get up to 88 (about 31C) both today and tomorrow. :P This is part of why I stay up until 3; it means it's nice and cool when I'm ready to go to sleep!
However, this also means that I am not, not, NOT going to be cooking today. Nopenopenope. This may be a KFC day, and screw the diet; I'll get back on it when it's cool enough to cook.
However, sunny for the Fourth of July! That's a nice change.
ETA: 81F outside, 80F in my apartment. My cat's lying on the floor instead of on her bed (a folded-up woven blanket) because it's too warm in here for the blanket. :P