History, writing, and conferences (oh my)

May 20, 2009 20:16

Yeah, yeah, I know it doesn't scan.

Because of the student-led conferences and the times when parents needed them to be scheduled so they could make it, I've had some LONG down times the last couple days. Three hours, in one case. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, since it's allowed me to do some work on some WIPs and to do some reading. (Like I haven't done ENOUGH reading. *rolls eyes*)

But this is different--this is history. I'm reading The Princes in the Tower, by Alison Weir. She's one of the most readable historians I've come across, and her British histories are well worth your time. I've read The Wars of the Roses, Elizabeth, and The Princes in the Tower so far; my sister's also read The Children of Henry VIII (which I have her for Christmas). If you're at all interested in British history, I strongly recommend her books.

This one, of course, is about Richard III, and whether he really did murder the Princes in the Tower or not. Weir is convinced he did, and sets about laying down evidence most conclusively. She's very thorough, is Weir, and does an excellent job of letting the evidence convince her first, then showing the rest of us why it did, while bringing the fifteenth century to life. I'm not very far into it yet, but I'm interested so far.

As far as writing goes, I think I may be working through the block I've had for the past few weeks. Maybe approaching the end of the school year helps? Or maybe simply having taken the time off and no longer feeling forced into writing has done the job? Or maybe some combination thereof? In any case, it feels good to be writing again. Not sure when I'll be posting anything, but I haven't forgotten my WIPs. (No, debs7, not even yours.) I promise. :)

books, england, work, writing

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