Dec 29, 2008 11:25

All of my sign-ups and/or auction fics for 2008 are DONE! Including my fic for writerinatardis (about which I'm a bit worried, actually... it's a bit different from what I expect the majority of this week's fics to be, which could be either REALLY good or REALLY bad). However, it's been sent to debs7 now, so it's out of my hands.


OT3 fic is next, and then I'm toying with taking a bit of a break from fanfic for a little while, except for writerinatardis until I'm voted out. I'm going to enroll for a continuing-education class in screenwriting, being held at one of our local community colleges, so I think my focus will be on that. Luckily, my new script idea (well, I say "new"--it's been in my head for months now) is finally starting to come together in such a way that I can see a story arc beginning to form. This is a good sign!

Wow. It's 11:30 and I'm sitting here in my living room thinking, "I need to turn on the lights." It's too dark to read--with blinds open and everything. Welcome to western Washington in winter: grey and rainy. At least with the snow, there was reflected light, so it wasn't so dreary.

script, writer in a tardis, weather, writing

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