Fic rec.

Oct 08, 2008 00:30

I'm sure this fic has been recced elsewhere--I probably found it via a rec, in fact--but this has become one of my very favourite Rose/Doctor fics, ever. In fact, it's part of my personal canon now.

The fic is called Non-Linear Love Story, by rallalon. (Link goes to Teaspoon.) It's adult, and the pairings are--wait for it--Eight/Rose, Nine/Rose, and Ten/Rose.

I can see the rolled eyes from here. No, seriously, this is a beautiful fic. I'm not usually a fan of Eight/Rose, but this is well-written and completely in-character and completely logical. It slots into canon without the slightest ripple--and that's saying something.

And it's beautiful. Just really, truly, beautifully written.

The story itself is 6 chapters, but the author has included a seventh, with bits that were cut or rewritten from her original draft. While those were interesting, I think she definitely made the right decisions as to what to include. There's alien!sex, too; though it's decidedly non-squicky, there's no doubt the Doctor is not a human male, no matter what he looks like when not aroused. For those who've read the author's story Scratching the Itch, this one involves the same Time Lord biology. I won't tell you what it is, because that would spoil them both; just take my word for it that she handles the non-human thing very well.

It's nearly 1 a.m. and I can't sleep, so I can't vouch for how non-rambly this post is, but don't let my lack of coherence turn you away. Read this story. In fact, read them both. Then go read everything else on Rallalon's author page. You won't regret it.

fic rec, doctor who

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