Note to authors

Sep 07, 2008 19:02

Dear authors,

Having a sticky post directing people to your fanfic journal is great. However, when the sticky post says, "If your looking for my fic please go to my fic journal ___________", I hope you'll understand that I'm going nowhere near it. If you can't bother to spell and punctuate here, why would I think you'd bother to spell and punctuate elsewhere?

Also, here are some general pet peeves that I've been noticing a lot lately.

* "All right" is two words. I know there are references online that say it's okay to spell it "alright", but really, that just looks stupid. Can you not add another L and a space?

* "Prone" means ON YOUR STOMACH. I cannot stress this enough. It does not, not, not, NOT mean "on your back." That's supine. Don't believe me? Ask anyone in medicine who's ever had to chart. Or better yet, go to If you don't want to use the word 'supine' (and who can blame you?), just say "on his/her back" and you're golden. Really.

* God knows I'm no scientist, but if you're actually trying to write science into your science fiction, could you do a bit of research first, plzkthx? Enough so people who've, you know, passed high school biology and chemistry, and understand enough physics to be able to drive a car, don't go, "WTF?" I know that canon itself is a very very bad example to follow, so repeat after me: RTD and Helen Raynor are not role models when writing science. (Burning gas at ground level, while leaving no scorch marks anywhere, anyone? Or harming birds? Or even, you know, using up a significant amount of oxygen when that gas combusted? Or how about "ever-renewing fuel" that belches out half its mass or more in exhaust?)

* When writing in a British fandom, please make a good attempt to write with British usage. "Pants" and "trousers" are NOT interchangeable words in England. Jack does NOT wear suspenders (or if he does, we don't know about it). Pregnant women are only "knocked up" if someone startled them out of a sound sleep.

Whew. Ok. Feel better. Now I'm off to put away the leftovers from my dinner, and make my bed so I can finish the last of my photo meme requirements. :)

rant, writing

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