Ready to go!

Aug 30, 2008 20:36

So, my classroom's all done for the year! I've got posters up and everything. The only thing I haven't done yet is put up my assignment charts, but that's because I need to have my TA write all the kids' names on them first--and that'll wait until after the first week or so of school, when all the switching around happens. Or most of it, at least.

Here are a few pics of my room!

First, the geek wall:

Yes, I get to look at the Pretty Man while I teach. This is the back of the room, as you can probably tell. Who, me? Set it up that way on purpose? (He's the wallpaper on my work computer, too. I'm so bad.)

And yes, that's also an iMac. It's tolerable, because it can at least pretend to be a Windows machine (i.e. it's got a scroller button on the mouse, and the mouse has right-click). Otherwise I'd be growling at it even more regularly than I do.

Did I mention I intensely dislike Macintosh machines?

Enough about that--the rest of these are shots of the room from different vantage points, so you can see the posters and all. No shots of the front of the room, though, because I've got my last name on the front board, and I really don't want that getting round the Internet.

So now you can see where I spend my time! I'm actually pretty proud of the setup; it makes the room much easier to move around in. Of course, I may end up having to go back to rows at some point. It depends on how things go.

Still. Yay for four-day weekend because everything's DONE!

work, pictures

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