First day back at work

Aug 20, 2008 19:05

So I went in to my classroom today to get some stuff done. I'm glad I did; I've got the room arranged differently again (tables pushed together to form "pods" of four; we'll see how long that lasts) and am starting to get a handle on my organisation. I went through the Skills Intervention Kit (read: worksheets for more basic skills kind of stuff) and correlated them with the six units of our curriculum, and sent them off to the rest of the people in the district who teach what I do, and then I made a calendar in Word (because there isn't a calendar template for Macs. Stupid Macs).

My last project, which is bleeding over into tomorrow, is to get all of the photocopies I have for the curriculum laid out on the different tables, and figure out which units I need to get Print Shop to send me and which ones I don't. Currently I have enough copies of the first 2 units, which should take me through Thanksgiving. Of one curriculum, that is; I'm teaching 2 different math curricula, but jerk!teacher across the hall said he'd take care of the copies for that one since he's teaching multiple classes of it and I'm only teaching one. In return, I'm doing the same for him with the other curriculum--in fact, he already has his first unit's copies in his box. I sent away for them in June, and they arrived in July.

I just read through this and realised it's kind of confusing, so let me see if I can explain better. I'm teaching three classes of curriculum A, which is one class period in length, and one of curriculum B, which is a double-class period. Jerk!Teacher is teaching two of curriculum B, and one of curriculum A. So I'm doing the photocopies for A, and making sure he gets a class set of his own, and he's doing the same thing for me with B. Clearer? It's A that I've got 2 units' worth of copies for; he hasn't got me my stuff for B yet. In fact, I don't think he's been at school since the last day we were required to be there. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing; if he gets done what needs done, he can take whatever time he wants; and he takes stuff home, whereas I tend to do it at school.

(Interesting note: one of the other math teachers, who last year got a lot of jerk!teacher's and my kids from the previous year, said that the kids he taught came to the 8th grade with almost NOTHING, whereas the kids *I* taught had the skills they needed, or at least most of them. Makes me feel a whole lot better about his little "you show too many films" diatribe. MY students know what they're doing when they leave my class; HIS don't. So he's basically talking out of his ass, which I already knew.)

I came home and cooked dinner and ate, and have spent most of the time since lazing about. Though I did empty the dishwasher, put more dishes in, and have got the laundry going again. *sigh* I'm back 'officially' at work a week from tomorrow, with our school Learning Improvement Day ("LID") to start off the school year. Where has this summer gone? And when can I be back in England???

(I want to see Hamlet again, dammit. I really, really, really do.)

life, home, england, work

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