Holy heck.

Jul 21, 2007 21:59

I have just finished DH (started at about 6:00, finished at 9:45, interrupted by one break and two phone calls) and can only say....


and also....


* If Remus had to die, then at least Tonks died too. I didn't want them living without the other.

* OMG, Fred! I can't imagine poor George having to live without his twin!

* Neville! NevilleNevilleNevilleNevilleNevilleNevilleNeville!!! I knew he was fucking awesome, and this just proved it. And he survived!

* OBHWF. I knew it had to happen. Brilliant. I know I've got H/Hr shippers on my flist, and I know you're probably disappointed, but frankly, I saw this ending coming from the time I read Chamber of Secrets.

* Harry WAS a Horcrux! Holy fuck. I never ever EVER gave that theory any credence. I was wrong... and she made it work! Dayum.

* I knew Snape was a good guy! I knew it! And I always figured he was more or less in love with Lily. Aw, poor guy. That bit in the Pensieve, when he created his Patronus and Dumbledore said, "Still?" .... first place I teared up. Aww. So sweet.

* Albus Severus! Horrible name to burden a kid with (not to mention damn difficult to say), but the thought was delightful. And Ron & Hermione's daughter's name is Rose! Wonder if JKR is a Doctor Who fan. Would be hilarious if she were.

* I wonder if Percy and Draco were the ones she'd planned to kill, but survived? Or maybe Percy and Neville? I was so delighted to see Perce come back--and for Fred to die after having seen him back, and laughing.... well, that's the way one of the twins should die: with his family, laughing, and never know what hit him.

* Remus, Sirius, James, and Lily walking with Harry to his death. OMG, what an incredibly powerful image. I cannot WAIT to see that on the screen; I just know Dan is going to make everyone cry.

I can't think of anything else to say, except this. Remember in "The Shakespeare Code," when the Doctor said of Harry Potter, "Oh, wait until you read Book 7. I cried"?

David Tennant's mother was buried today. On the day Book 7 was released. Ironic... and heartbreaking. I feel so badly for him.


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