Ok, a real update, I swear.

Oct 09, 2006 08:06

I'm covering for a teacher who 1. got sick over the weekend, and 2. called me (his department head) to let me know--which was nice, except that he 3. forgot to tell anyone else. Including the office. Including the substitute-assignment line.


The good news is that his kids are taking a quiz today, so it's all nice and quiet in here. I've updated my teacher website (don't get too excited; it's a WYSIWYG editor and basically I just put this week's planning in there), have read my email (squeee! rabid1st made a Doctor/Rose vid for me! How cool is that?), and now I get to play on LJ for awhile. (Only because I figured out the proxy bypass. Shhhh!)

So I work today and tomorrow; Wednesday I have a training all day, which means the district is paying for me to have a sub and I don't have to be at work until 8:00--how cool is THAT? I can sleep in a whole HOUR!! Thursday, I'm taking the day off to prep for alueua's visit. We're going to see Queensryche on Saturday in Seattle. Woot woot! And then Friday I have another all-day class, but that's the state inservice day, so no worries about preparing sub plans. It's also extra pay, since the October state inservice day isn't a required day. I'm good with that!

Hooray for short weeks! :D

On the writing front: I got about 75 words written on my catchmysnitch story (Becca and Jen, I swear I'm trying. Really!) and another couple of pages on my Rose ficathon story. There's also about 3 pages done on chapter 8 of Adventure. I haven't started my smutty_claus story yet, but I've got a bit of time on that. And I'm a little wibbly over it; it's for someone whose work I really like and respect, and it's a pairing that I haven't written much of. I've written some, but not much. So... yeah. Oh, and I need a bunny. I really, REALLY need a bunny. But not til I've got at LEAST the catchmysnitch story (which is due on the 15th) and the ficathon story (which is due on the 31st) done.

(Icon in honour of the pretty man who was on PBS last night. I get to watch him when I get home today. Hee!)


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