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They're good stuff, and GOOD OMENS is drop-dead funny.
A hardcover edition of THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS with the really good watercolor illustrations is highly recommended.
Never read THE SECRET GARDEN? I like Burnett's stuff. It's been adapted to film at least twice in recent years (one has Derek Jacobi in a main role, the other has Maggie Smith, either is pretty faithful to the book).
You seem to have a serious Terry Pratchett deficiency. I recommend starting with either GOOD OMENS or SMALL GODS. The latter is a Discworld book but it's stand-alone in a part of the Disc where none of the other books have gone so far. I started with that one.
I recommend all of Neil Gaiman's SANDMAN books, starting with PRELUDES AND NOCTURNES (I reviewed it on if you want to know what I think of it.) The artists working with Gaiman didn't really get the artwork down well until well along in PRELUDES AND NOCTURNES, so don't let that put you off. SEASON OF MISTS (the only one of the series on the above list) is more fun to read, but since it's book 4 I recommend starting with PRELUDES AND NOCTURNES first.
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