Mar 23, 2003 15:41
I really have not had much time for my journal lately, but the events of the past few days have been making me crazy! I just don't see how rational people can really believe that we should leave Saddam alone. I support your right to your opinion, but if you think that Saddam is an ok guy, go live in Iraq for awhile. For those of you who don't believe the Iraqi citizens want rid of this evil, evil, man, look at the footage of them defiling his pictures and celebrating with and congratulating our troops. (and if you don't believe that is happening you probably believe that the walk on the moon was a hoax,too) To you weak jerks that think throwing rocks and bricks is the best way to prevent/end war, you deserve to get arrested and yes, "disciplined" by the police. I think that is well-deserved karma. You should all go live in France.
And to the sick, pathetic, evil coward that threw grenades at his own sleeping brothers-at-arms... "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE". There is not a horrible or painful or long enough death for you.