SSHG Prompt Fest - Prompts Now Open To Review

Mar 18, 2013 17:49

The SSHG Prompt Fest/sshg_promptfest is an anonymous, prompt-based fest that explores the relationship between Severus Snape and Hermione Granger with a showcase of fan works. To participate, sshg_promptfest member-watchers (who must be 18 or older) will have the opportunity to offer prompts to the community, claim prompts from the community, and produce fan works for the community and its followers. SS/HG (het) and SS & HG (gen) fan works of any rating will be accepted from artists and writers.

Before deciding to participate in the SSHG Prompt Fest, please read the fest's complete rules and submission guidelines and ask any questions in reply to the fest's welcome post or message the community email. In addition, please join and friend the sshg_promptfest.

The 2013 "SSHG Prompt Fest" Schedule
The SSHG Prompt Fest runs on Eastern Time.

Prompts Collected
10-16 March

Prompts Reviewed Not the prompt-claiming post
17-23 March

Prompts Claimed
24-30 March

Prompts Assigned
31 March

Fan Works Due
by 11:59 p.m. on 31 May1

Fan Works Posted
1-30 July1

Creators Revealed
31 July1

1The submission deadline is firm for all participants; no extensions will be offered for any reason.
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