happy love ♥

Jul 16, 2010 19:43

THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO WISHED ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 8D ♥ (if you didn't, don't worry about it. xD) Thanks to everyone I indeed did have a happy one, even though I didn't do anything special. 83 I LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!!

(ya I'm keeping this post public, I dunno why. if any non-friend is curious to know how my private posts go, I guess. XD)

My dad got me a TABLET! I really wanted one..I dunno how he knew, maybe my bro told him, or he just thought I might like one. xD But I used to have to use my bro's on his comp, but now I'll have more time on it, plus it's better. :3 I can also doodle when I'm bored without having to leave the computer! 8D (Cause whenever I use my sketchbook I just prefer to be in my room, but no computer in my room.. o;)

edit: it kinda reminds me of Animal Crossing haha..is it just me? :o

justyohannan sent me some GREEAT stuff couple days ago. *-* She somehow read my mind (or I read her mind) and gave me exactly what I wanted?! O_O So scarily awesome.

The thing that I was just wishing I could get one day:

SHOP PHOTOOOS!! Like really, I always thought Aiba shop photos were fantastic, and OHMIYA AS WELL?!?! *O* (They're so small! I always imagined them bigger lol! xD But small is cute, like my new mouse. :'D)
Friends are awesome LOL. ♥

And this:

Adorable panda bookmark that can remind me of AnS pandas. 8D

I also REALLY want Boku no Miteiru Fukei, like why's the cover gotta be so darn cute. XD And Nino's solo meaning is brilliant?! "Arigatou"... *sigh* I love that nerdy brat. ♥
Although it's probably near impossible to be able to preorder the first press at this rate..I'll try to go to NYC/Kinokuniya on the 4th, I doubt they'll have it, BUT I CAN TRY! (I've been wanting to go anyway.) Because they had the LE Dream "A" Live on the release day, and back then the store wasn't even as updated as it is now, SO MAYBE, POSSIBLY..?!?? Well if it isn't there, the RE is bound to be. C: *will get that* Although I was originally gonna get it for my bday, but..hm I wonder if my dad can give me the money for it lol. Dx

I guess that's it for the birthday stuff..and now a meme, but actually I'm still holding off on the day-memes /too lazy. Dx It'll take a while to find out what a fave AnS moment + naked picture is. xD So ya, another meme I got from varziel.
Question Meme
- Leave a comment saying "MATSUJOHN IS AWESOME"
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.

1. Have you ever been out of the country?
I've only been to Vietnam when I was 6? For a month (or maybe it was 2) during summer vacation. And I guess on the way we stopped in Alaska, there were a lot of dead animal displays..(well, uh, stuffed animals?) But anyway, for Vietnam, I remember a lot of cool bugs, floods, waterparks, and getting pet chicks, ducklings, and turtles.

2. Your non-Arashi OTP?
IT'S..EITHER JOSHUA/NEKU (twewy) OR MATT/MELLO (death note)?! I mean, lately I've been ranting on about M/M, I guess they're my current OTP. (Besides Ohmiya, since they always are.) So yeah, I guess I'll say them... *is just wanting another excuse to talk about them LOL*

(from the best, smuttiest (well i dunno, i haven't read much lol) M/M doujinshi out there)
For the comedy side of the two, like that picture: Matt loves his games more than Mello and Mello loves his chocolate more than Matt. ♥
For the fluffy side: they're best friends, Matt will do absolutely anything for Mello. *o* Oh loyalty is a great thing~
For the angst side (TOO MUCH ANGST, these two ;_;): Mello thinks Matt deserves better because he's too sinful, or the whole Mello leaving Matt after *spoiler* L died.
You know, I'd probably be an equally good Josh/Neku fan if the game/pairing was more popular. D;
(BY THE WAY NAOMI, I ended up getting myself a pixiv account just so I could see those pics. XD THANKS FOR SHARING THEM! *o*)

3. Favorite anime and manga? Teeheee.
Definitely Fruits Basket..!! I guess for manga. It's so much better than the anime haha. I'm planning on getting all the volumes ONE DAY.. =.=" Though I also really love Ouran High School Host Club (CHAPTER 80 OMGOMG.) I actually liked the anime for that too..? Maybe cause I liked the art style used, since I usually think anime art is worse compared to manga. (But I like both, just that OHSHC anime doesn't annoy me lol.) So I'm not too sure what my fave anime is. :o UNLESS HAYAO MIYAZAKI MOVIES COUNT LOL.

4. Between drawing and writing, which one do you enjoy more?
I've thought about this so much in the past haha. x| But definitely drawing..since I've been doing it for as long as I can remember, and I do want to become an artist one day. o; I've also liked writing and Literature class since a young age lol, I used to write stories along with illustrations. O8 (of course, nothing special for a kid rofl) But then I guess I stopped a bit, until I started Ohmiya fanfiction... xD Those fanfics really raised my writing status lol! (of course, nothing special for a 15 year old) So I dunno, if I've been practicing my writing or drawing more as of late. o-o Well I guess I learned plenty in art class, and doodling helps (my doodles are extreme) but they're are mostly manga-style so yeah.. Both can be frustrating. But drawing..I feel something more when I do.

5. Why did you add me again?
Hehe, I guess it was your comments on my fanfics that made me do it. I dunno, yours always make me really happy. :'D Your art was fantastic as well, I was always maaarveled~ ♥ And then I realized that you were author of some fanfics I read before I started writing, and all those kinda fanfics inspired me to start writing. c:

Okay I is done. :D

Jun's AnAn is too beautifully gorgeous, goodness. I think I AM in a Jun phase, heh. And once NatsuNiji starts, definitely~ ♥
...Now for some reason Sho just entered my mind. I think he's telling me not to forget him either. But despite how much you fail Sho, you won't ever fail to enter my thoughts, of course not~

Since I've been wanting to play a RPG, after ending Okami..I started Final Fantasy games again, since I never finished before. My mom stopped me from playing FF XIII before, but I think I'm safe now. xD And also FF IV, but I die like every 10 minutes LOL. It's fun though. :)

(I hate it when I find a mistake in one of my posted fanfics, even if it may just be one letter missing lol. ;-;)

P.S. I FOUND OUT ABOUT SHIN-CHAN, SO HILARIOUS LOL!! XDD (but his voice was stuck in my head during my midterm in summer school ROFL)

arashi is the source of my life, ♥ohno satoshi, misc : awesome friends, happiness, misc : art is my hobby, misc : birthdays!, life : school, manga/anime, manga : fruits basket, ramblings, journal : meme

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