#27, #37, #51

Jan 31, 2013 00:11

WC: 255

“You should shave,” Jongwoon says as they eat dinner, alone for once in the dorm. Ryeowook nearly chokes and his hand immediately flies up to his face. He’s a little stubbly, he agrees, but it’s seven at night, what more does Jongwoon want from him? “Not your face,” Jongwoon clarifies.

Ryeowook does choke this time. “Why on earth do you want that?”

“I don’t know,” Jongwoon shrugs. “I thought it would be cute.”

“Cute?” Ryeowook splutters.

“Sexy?” he tries.

“No way.”

“Just your legs?”

“What’s the point? I’d be prickly by the time we got to bed anyway.” Ryeowook stands up with his plate and scrapes the remains into the trashcan before setting it in the sink.

“So you’ve done it before?” Jongwoon is beside him instantly, dropping his plate into the sink as well.

“I seem to remember you holding me down while the rest of them ripped a strip of duct tape off my leg.” Ryeowook narrows his eyes and crosses his arms.

“But that was for the cameras,” Jongwoon whines, sliding his fingers into the beltloops of Ryeowook’s jeans. “This is me.”

“Drop it,” Ryeowook warns.

The next night, Ryeowook slips into bed and slides a smooth thigh between Jongwoon’s. Jongwoon shudders and reaches beneath the blankets. His hand glides up over a hairless leg, belly, underarm, all the way up to Ryeowook’s smooth face. He grins against Ryeowook’s cheek, leg rubbing up and down Ryeowook’s.

“I was right. Definitely sexy.”

“Enjoy it while it lasts,” Ryeowook teases.

“I will,” Jongwoon promises.

Panic Switch
WC: 650

It’s no secret that Kangin loves to roughhouse. He’s notorious for headlocks and noogies and pulling down pants. Every member is subject to his good-natured bullying, usually Eunhyuk or Donghae, who laughingly fight back with as much vigor. It blows off steam and keeps his ego nice and inflated. The members learned long ago when it is okay to playfully jump on his back or tease him so that the only retaliation would be a loud, rambunctious wrestling match on the living room floor. Kangin appreciates it, loves the thrill of a mock-battle, or of pinning the other to the floor until he cries defeat. He is a champion in the dorms.

Unless, of course, Ryeowook is his opponent. When Ryeowook first came to them, he was small and panicky and nervous. Not Kangin’s ideal wrestling partner. He made a mental note not to tease this one (as much) and not to hit him (as hard). Within months, however, Ryeowook slipped right into their lives and hearts. When he opened up, Kangin was thrilled to discover Ryeowook is just as wild as he is. Ryeowook clings to Kangin’s back like a limpet, laughing in his ear when all the larger man can do is spin in circles and pry uselessly at his arms. Despite the fact that Ryeowook is playful, and encourages the roughhousing, Kangin never lets himself go wild. When he catches Ryeowook around the middle and hoists him into the air, he feels the delicate bird-bones of his ribs against his arms and turns to dump Ryeowook on the sofa instead of the floor. When Ryeowook whines and pushes on his shoulders, trying his very hardest, Kangin will roll off onto the ground and pull Ryeowook with him. Ryeowook lands on his chest with a soft thump and they continue wrestling, rolling across the floor until they hit the TV, although when Kangin is above Ryeowook, he always remembers to brace himself on his elbows and not to squash Ryeowook. Eventually, Ryeowook will wear himself out. Kangin lets Ryeowook pin him down and sit on his chest, breathing hard, with a triumphant grin.

This is why no one is really worried when Ryeowook jumps over the back of the couch and tackles Kangin one day. That is, until they see Kangin’s eyes flash in annoyance. Donghae and Sungmin scamper out of the room, TV left on. Kangin pushes Ryeowook away with a solid shove to his chest. Ryeowook just pouts and calls him a baby and pushes him right back. It’s not long until their push and shove turns into a wrestling match, Ryeowook still not seeing the way Kangin’s eyebrows are creased in anger. Kangin finally rolls them onto the floor and pins Ryeowook down harshly, hands clutching at his bony shoulders. Ryeowook’s head connects with the hardwood floor with a loud smack. His hands instantly leave Kangin’s shirt and fly up to his head as the smile dissipates from his face. His eyes well up immediately and the tears slide down the sides of his face as he stares up at the one person who had never even accidentally hurt him. Whatever had pissed Kangin off is forgotten. He moves off to the side and gathers Ryeowook up in his arms, cradling him close in his lap.

“Oh shit,” he panics. “Are you alright? Here, let me feel.” Ryeowook releases his head and grabs onto Kangin’s shirt again, wincing as clumsy fingers pet through his hair and find the small bump. He cries out, jerking in pain. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to, honest.”

Ryeowook lets Kangin baby him, sniffling now and then as Kangin rocks him back and forth and mumbles apologies. When his tears dry, he pushes Kangin down onto his back. Sitting on his chest with a pout, Ryeowook declares himself the winner on account of Kangin being a big ol’ cheater.

WC: 820

Jongwoon is an absolute idiot for suggesting this, Ryeowook decides as he stands in their bathroom and watches the bathtub fill with warm water and bubbles. They’re grown men, completely capable of bathing on their own, so he doesn’t quite understand why Jongwoon suddenly deemed this a necessary addition to this evening’s schedule. He feels silly when Jongwoon reenters the small room and cuts the faucet. The tub is brimming with bubbles and the mirror is already fogging with condensation.

“Naked!” Jongwoon commands, already shirtless and working on his sweatpants. Ryeowook doesn’t move, glaring at the foam and clutching the hem of his t-shirt. Jongwoon taps his foot at him, standing nude with his clothing heaped at his feet.

“Jongwoon,” Ryeowook whines, “this is stupid. I don’t want to take a bath with you.”

“Come on! It’ll be fun,” Jongwoon insists. He steps closer to Ryeowook and all but bullies the younger man out of his clothes. Ryeowook’s tight grip on his shirt makes it easy for Jongwoon to tug his pants down his legs. Ryeowook shrieks and dives to retrieve his pants, but only ends up in a confusing tangle of fabric when Jongwoon lifts his shirt up over his head at the same time. Satisfied, Jongwoon takes a step into the water. Ryeowook uses this as a chance to dart for the door, but Jongwoon grabs him by the wrist before he can take more than half a step. He tugs Ryeowook closer. “Get in. Please?”

Ryeowook huffs and tries to shake Jongwoon’s hand off his arm but only succeeds in almost tripping over the side of the tub and falling in. Jongwoon threatens that, if any water spills out onto the floor because Ryeowook is being so damn stubborn, Ryeowook will be the one mopping the floor. Ryeowook pouts angrily at him and sits in the tub with an unhappy plunk. He curls up at the opposite side of the tub from Jongwoon, knees drawn up to his chest in an attempt to make space for them both.

“Come over here,” Jongwoon commands, holding his arms out to Ryeowook. Ryeowook rolls his eyes and refuses, but it seems tonight is Jongwoon’s night to have his way. He grabs Ryeowook’s arm and yanks him closer. Ryeowook sprawls across his chest with a grunt. “Stop being so grumpy.”

“Stop being such an idiot,” Ryeowook mumbles against Jongwoon’s chest, trying his best to rearrange himself on Jongwoon’s lap without lodging his knee somewhere unfortunate. He finally stills, back to chest with Jongwoon. Jongwoon wraps his arms around Ryeowook’s waist and holds him tight, lips brushing against his ear. Ryeowook sighs and pulls a layer of foam over his body. “Now what?”

Jongwoon just hushes him, thumb beginning to rub along Ryeowook’s ribs in soothing little strokes. Ryeowook huffs and rests his head back against Jongwoon’s shoulder and closes his eyes. He hates to admit it, but it is kind of relaxing. The water is just the right temperature to soothe his weary muscles, and it is faintly scented. Even more relaxing, though, is feeling Jongwoon pressed so closely against him. It’s not a sexual closeness, but definitely intimate. Ryeowook goes completely limp in Jongwoon’s hold, trusting the older man so completely that he doesn’t feel a hint of vulnerability or awkwardness. Jongwoon simply cuddles him close and hums in his ear as they soak. Ryeowook feels a sleepy heaviness tugging on his mind and he submits, dozing while Jongwoon plays absentmindedly with his hands, massaging and squeezing them, beneath the bubbles.

The water begins to cool after a while and Jongwoon places a firm kiss to the side of Ryeowook’s neck. He sits up, pushing Ryeowook up as well. Ryeowook groans in protest as his chest is heaved out of the water and the cold air washes over him.

“Stop whining,” Jongwoon scolds, ushering him up onto his feet. “You didn’t even want to in the first place.”

“But now I’m sleepy.”

“When aren’t you sleepy?” Jongwoon complains, standing up as well and grabbing a towel off the counter. He wraps it around Ryeowook and shoos him out of the tub. He pulls the drain and grabs his own towel, drying off quickly before turning back to Ryeowook. Ryeowook hasn’t moved from where Jongwoon had placed him on the mat. His head is drooping and his eyes are mostly closed. “Ryeowook, no! Don’t fall asleep standing there. Dry off.”

Ryeowook struggles to open his eyes, and struggles harder when Jongwoon steps closer and wraps an arm around his waist to keep him from pitching off his feet. Jongwoon dries him off quickly and pushes him out of the bathroom and into their bedroom. Ryeowook falls onto the bed with a relieved sigh and crawls under the blanket after kicking the towel away. Jongwoon watches him and frowns. The bath was supposed to be that relaxing for the both of them.

rating: pg-13, rating: g, super junior, 100 word challenge, rating: pg

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