Aug 10, 2008 10:05
It seems that it is not a good 24 hours to be owned by me. So far i have dropped my phone onto the corner of my speaker, fucking the screen. Like literally. Saved everything off it though as i am lame and can still do all the button presses needed to set up connectivity without the need for visuals.
The screen is oddly pretty though. like dropping a coin onto a frozen oil-slick.
Also the afformentioned speaker is pretty much cunted as well. I have no idea how. Working fine even after being gently bumped by my phone, an hour later i touch the off button and shit all happens. I felt like bill cosby in ghost dad, only with a better plot. Now it simply makes odd popping stuttering sounds all to a low background humm. Much like bill Cosby again really. So yes, now a single person can hear what noises my computer emits as i am back to the stoneage of shitty headphones.
I await waht else i wil break with baited breath. Im hoping for a minor bus crash into an orphanage. no deaths but several million pounds worth of damage. well maybe one death. spice up the EDP a little bit eh?