(no subject)

Oct 31, 2008 05:21

so, drunk. just talked with my bank in america. yay! i don't have to leave the country in order to switch my visa status and can just collect a couple of documents to prove i'm actually a student.

tonight was sooo bizarre. First, my friend and I were wined and dined by some random korean pro golfer and his other old friends and then we ditched them at harlem club and went to nb, and i'm too lazy to rewrite what happened, so here's a cut and paste:

Vickie says:
hahahaha, i just remembered how ridiculous tonight was
Josh says:
just how ridiculous was tonight?
Josh says:
score some handsome korean booty?
Vickie says:
i got in an argument with the coat check guy, cuz my friend was totally drunk and gave our coat check tag in, but i wanted to stay with the cute korean boy, and the coat check guy was like, i need another 2 bucks, and i was like NO. and because the other coat check guy was chinese, i started cussing the guy out in chinese, and the other coat check guy was just laughing his ass off, while the korean coat check guy was like - speak korean, ur in korea
Vickie says:
and i kept just saying fuck you you stupid cunt in chinese, lol
Josh says:
Josh says:
Josh says:
Josh says:
I wish I could have seen this
Josh says:
and seriously videotaped it
Josh says:
it could be a youtube classic
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