WELCOME to ai_sandiiz : )

May 15, 2015 13:22

Hey, hey everyone... LOL!! I am Sandii for those who don't know...hehehehe... Well, this is where I am just going to fangirl all over Yamapi, Fujigaya and my cutie baby Yama-chan...
I'll be sharing whatever I want to share...LOL!!
hope everyone enjoys what I share! I'll try to share A LOT of Yamapi and Fujigaya because I like them most!!
^ ^ If taking anything please just leave me a comment so that I at least know someone is appreciating my stuff...

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Just leave a comment :) BUT you have to add me first before I add you!! :D

The only reason people hold on to
memories so tight is because they are
the only things that don't change
when everything and everyone else does


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