Much A'do 'Bout Nothing

Mar 16, 2005 16:04

Ahh, last night I got to sleep. 'Twas nice, first night I got to bed earlier than midnight in nearly a week. And I'm still tired. Hopefully I can take a nap before church tonight...oh! tacos for the lenten supper! Whoot~! Anyway, last night I had a band concert, it went alright, although one of our songs didn't match up right rhythmically. Levi and I are close friends again, which is nice, I'd missed him quite a lot these last few months. Katy is mad at me for expressing my feelings on my diary. I'm sorry if I offended anyone by writing down my frustration and then not protecting it from the mass public. I respected Aaron as a person, I shall not bad mouth him as a person, I do not respect his form of death though. My religious views toward suicide come straight from the Bible, and as a Christian I like to think of the Bible as a more solid foundation to base these beliefs off of rather than molding them around what the quote unquote "Lutheran" view is. FYI everyone, ELCA is not exactly Bible based in some aspects, so no, I do not believe that if you believe in god (notice the lower case) you will go to heaven. It requires belief, repeantence for sins, and absolution. Suicide doesn't exactly leave time for those last two, so...well, I have no way of knowing, and I certainly won't comdemn Aaron to hell, but the math adds up to a certain end. On the other hand though, I always have hope that in his final moments he did turn back and ask/recieve forgiveness. I find an odd sort of comfort in the fact that he strangled himself instead of doing something that he would either die quickly or loose consciousness quickly, it gave him time. So I have hope for his soul. Thank you. As to writing about it on my live journal, this is my diary. When I am upset, often the only way I can wind down while expressing my thoughts/feelings when I am upset rather than winding up is to write. Again, this is my diary, so wow, I write in it.

On a different note, Monday night I was up till 1 am Tuesday morning doing homework. So that I wouldn't zone out and kept my brain fuctioning I was on msn messenger. Dad came in around midnightish and didn't seem to see eye to eye with my logic, so he tried to block messenger. Now, it didn't work, I still have messenger, but as a memo to everyone, so that my Dad has time to get a little less edgy about the whole thing and so that he doesn't try to block it again and possibly successfully, I will only be using messenger while I'm home alone. Sorry for the inconvenience if there is any.

Lastly, I would like to express my pride in my posission as a Heaven's Floodgate (formerly known as Sideview) roadie, ex groupie. The band is awesome, they're starting to gain fame...locally at least, and if I know the guys in the band as well as I think I do we will not have another repeat of Forgetful Grace in which the entire band, minus their drummer, morph into egomaniacs and turn their lives over to music producing and nothing else in a desperate attempt to get a record deal. you may visit them at: I highly recomend you do. (they're awesome, and they're my friends!)
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