Lots happening with podfic!

Oct 09, 2012 19:02

There are a number of things happening in podfic fandom these days, for anyone interested!

Help spread the word on podfic (you don't need to be a podficcer to join in!).

pod_aware || pod_aware)
Pod Aware is a week to talk about and spread the word about podfic.

If you're on Twitter, there's the #InformalTwitterPodficExchange (or #ITPE because it's shorter) happening. It's multifandom, but I *know* people are offering AI podfics (including me). This is a really low pressure holiday gift exchange, there's no minimums or maximums. The rules posts are here, here, here, here, here, and here. Sign ups close on Friday.

Podbang opened for sign ups today and Kradam made the list of nominated fandoms. It's a gift exchange to create big bang length podfics (minimum word count of 30K), with projects going live February 14, 2013.

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