2 Kradam Podfics

Apr 16, 2012 18:25

Title: call me home by moirariordan
Reader: fire-juggler
Season: 8
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Summary: "I saw this and thought of you," Brad tells him, voice shaking with the effort not to laugh.
Link: At My Journal

Title: you're dumbstruck baby (by my lovin') by jeyhawk
Reader: fire-juggler
Season: 8
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Summary: Musical Tour AU. The one where Kris is almost painfully clueless but Adam wants to date him anyway.
Link: At My Journal

Reader's Notes: These were recorded for paraka for the Scarleteen auction.

pairing: kris/adam, podficcer: fire_juggler, season 8

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