Mod Round Up

Dec 29, 2011 14:38

I've been falling behind a bit on keeping you all up to date on AI podfic lately, sorry! :S

Anyway, the masterlist has been updated, here are the ones added that haven't been announced on this comm:

Season 7
Mastermind by astolat, read by carolion (Archie/Cook - 0:24:56)
Proximity by astolat, read by carolion (Archie/Cook - 0:13:00)

These podfics bring the total number of S7 podfic to 50 \o/

Season 8
I've Got Your Number by yekoc, read by jenepod (Adam/Kris - 0:34:02)
Claim by jerakeen, read by jaebi_lit (aka
via_ostiense) (Adam/Kris - 0:37:51)
Far Far Away by astolat, read by kalakirya (Adam/John Sheppard - 0:30:25)
It's My Death, My Rhythm, My Arithmetic by seperis, read by reena_jenkins (Adam/Kris - 0:52:14)

Which is 2 new podficcers for S8 podfic! \o/

(I'm also determined to post my 50th podfic before the year is over, so look out for a new Kradam podfic in the next few days :)

modpost, podficcer: kalakirya, podficcer: jenepod, podficcer: via_ostiense, podficcer: reena_jenkins

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