Kradam Podfic: Falling Slowly (Upwards Spiral)

Aug 28, 2011 15:02

Fic: Falling Slowly (Upwards Spiral) by jeyhawk
Reader: paraka
Fandom: American Idol RPF
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Summary: The problem, Kris thinks, isn't the wolf's instinctual surrender; it's the human's complete capitulation.
Length: 1:23:13

Download: MP3 (65MBs) ||| M4B (80MBs)

Notes: Made for adamaddict_rh who bought me over at the hooplamagnet charity auction to raise money for Adam's bithday charity, Charity: Water. Also done for my "Read Slowly" square for podfic_bingo.

I also tried using Chapter and Verse to make the podbook for the first time, since apparently the MP3 to iPod Audiobook Converter isn't working with Lion. Please let me know if there's anything wonky with the podbook.

pairing: kris/adam, podficcer: paraka, season 8

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