Kissing GamesAuthor:
samanthahirrPairing: Adam/Kris
Fandom: American Idol S8
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, AU
Word Count: 2,000
Disclaimer: No infringement on the rights of real people intended. Not profiting in any way.
Summary: "For once, I want a guy to just walk up and sweep me off my feet."
Kissing GamesLength: 14:17 min
Post Lambert, Ergo Propter Lambert (American Idol RPF/West Wing)
rogaFandom: AI8 (Adam Lambert), The West Wing
Word Count: ~3300 words
Warnings: none,
Rating: pg-13, gen
Summary: "You know we can't do anything about it," Josh said. "The White House does not call up Good Morning America and tell them who to put on their show."
Post Lambert, Ergo Propter LambertLength: 22:30 min
These stories were recorded with author permission. Please let them know if you enjoy them! All of my podfic can be found