Jun 29, 2007 15:03
In life you'll encounter many people who you will come to call friends. I have,in the past, allowed many people to become friends and get close to me who really did not deserve to.
I had yet to realise that friendship is a two way street and that the love I gave was suppose to be returned. And people took advantage of that. Several months back I made an effort to re-evaluate what a real friend was and found out that I had to cut many people from my circle.
Aquaintances, buddies, people you hang with, or people who seemed interesting was all it took to be my friend and I paid for that with a lot more noise than I wanted.
Friends, the real deal, are gonna be those who call you for no reason to see how you are doing. That no matter what stupid shit you do, you will be forgiven with time and understanding. They laugh when you laugh and cry when you cry. That even though you can go through months of not talking to eachother, being on eachothers bad side, and down right annoying the piss out of one another, that you will always be down when your past all the bullshit.
I have 5 friends.
I have 4 brothers.
I have many associates.
Beyond my own personal reasons for making this post, many of my associates who have real friends are letting a lot of useless noise and bullshit tear them apart and I don't want that to happen. Real friends are hard to come by in this world and you shouldn't loose any over malarky.
Bah, anyways. My speeches always sound better in person.