Genre: Romance, Drama, AU Pairing: YamaChii
Summary: They all say that Fate has its own way of allowing two souls that are meant to be together to meet. Some say they meet by accident. Some say by chance and luck. Though does it even matter, how Fate does its magic? For the two of them, it’s doesn’t. Because may it be by accident or
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Chinen's such a sassy brat and I can't wait for more of him. I love it when Chinen is written like this. It's just so much fun.
And Yama-chan... I'm excited to see more of him too. This chapter was nice because we had an introduction to both boy's and back stories right away, and I'm excited to see how they'll come together. And, Yama-chan, the line was smooth! Why don't you just steal his heart right then and there too while you're at it you little flirt! Go big or go home I guess. :)
I was so happy reading this, it's wonderful! The description is beautiful, Ai-chan. And the characters are well planned out and developed, they aren't half-assed or rushed, or just thrown into words lazily. It's just overall so great and I'm so excited to read the rest!
I haven't seen anything from you in a while so I was getting worried. I hope you're doing well. Stupid Internet connection. -.- I hope it's resolved soon. :)
I have to go back to sleep now because buses are cancelled for school today, due to the horrible weather outside. I need the sleep I am lacking, I'm getting ill from working too hard. Oops. :P
Good job as always, Ai-chan. I loved it and I will wait patiently for your next update. :3
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