Mousepeace uniting with FIVE 25.08.10

Sep 29, 2010 17:01

Work is somehow getting more hectic and I really wanted to write this up earlier. Oh wells. I guess this is my early birthday present to Ueda? :P

 snowaltz and I ended up being a couple minutes late entering the gymnasium because we wanted to get our con goods before. Luckily, FIVE performs in the first half hour of the show so we didn't miss much. We got in and found our seats and Makki? Or Riki? (I don't know who the members are except for Ishigaki Daisuke *fails*) was singing and getting everyone hyped up in preparation for Ueda's appearance.

I can't remember the setlist but since there are quite a few reports out already I think it's fine if I skip that :P
Most of what I've written is just basically MC stuff and the interlude bits where Ueda talks. This is in no particular order but just what I can remember. Report contains my comments and thoughts so I hope no one minds.

Akiko, the saxophone player is the first to appear on stage after FIVE finish performing. Everyone cheered really loudly (most probably thinking it was Ueda- I know I did XD)
Ueda mentioned it later on during the con: I bet you all thought Akiko was me didn't you?
Sneaky Tat-chan.
He also mentioned that Akiko was his kouhai from middle school and she had written on her application form that she was Ueda's kouhai. When Ueda saw that he thought to himself that they had to meet up and have a reunion.

Talk with FIVE. Ueda was talking to Makki (the drummer) about FIVE and if they could do the talking instead of him. Makki then said that they'd talk about Shimoneta (not sure what it means) and they mentioned Taguchi. Ueda then asked who Makki thought was cute (in FIVE) but Makki thought Ueda meant Taguchi LOL

The guests for the con were Taguchi, Hasegawa Jun and another older man whose name I didn't catch but he seemed to be well-known because everyone cheered.
There was this person who snowaltz and I thought was Kame and I was like, omg! Both Kame and Taguchi came?? But it wasn't Kame. It was actually a girl wearing a fedora but she really looked like Kame from her profile in the semi-darkness.
Unfortunately, neither Junno nor Hasejun went up on stage for the MC. I was kind of sad :/
They looked like they were having fun though with Junno waving his arm about when everyone else was and apparently Hasejun was leaning forwards in his seat (snowaltz noticed that. Not me, haha)

During the MC, Ueda thanks us for choosing to come to his concert given that there were a few other cons on the same day.
He introduced us to everyone: dancers, backup singers, FIVE and musicians. He was talking a lot to Masamin who was following him around wherever he went. He introduced us to Mayu the female guitarist and saying that she was kakkoi and that the three of them (Mayu, Masamin and himself) are kyoudai (brothers).
He also mentioned that it was a bit weird to have a female guitarist because you wouldn't expect it in this setting (i.e. all the fans are girls) and compared it to Masamin being the guitarist for AKB where the majority of the fans would be guys XDDD

He introduced us to the violinists and the two cellists. He made a mistake there and called them cellolists instead of cellists, realised his mistake and was all cute and apologetic.
He then told us he could play the violin and said that Masamin could play the cello too so he was all, Play the cello for us! They then played twinkle twinkle little star with Masamin playing cello and Ueda the violin. It was really cute and adorable :DDDD
Before they played there was some mention of whether Ueda had washed his hands or not because apparently you have to have clean hands before holding onto a violin. (Ueda said his hands were clean XD)

He talked about composing songs and how he composed Love in Snow when he was going to the toilet. LOL
He also mentioned that in his death scene of Romeo and Juliet, he had the song "Go to Heaven" playing in his head (I'm not sure who the original singer is). He couldn't remember the name at first and hummed it and I think someone from the audience shouted it out.

He played the whole Romeo and Juliet song on the piano as the intro to Hana no Mau Machi which he got us to sing along to. There were lyrics on the screen karaoke-style and he said that he had changed it slightly so that we (girls) can sing it. I think because girl voices are higher or something? Idk.
Point of note: Ueda has awesome arms. They showed the close-up of him playing the piano on the screen and his muscles in his forearms were flexing really nicely *________* Also, he has veiny arms. (I have a thing for veiny arms)
I loved the whole singing along part. It was really touching and gdafahsg Ueda affdcjfgdsagk

He showed us pics of his epic jump off the stage during the Taiwan con! And he put captions on them XD
The first one was him preparing for the jump
The second was him jumping and he had written "ore kakkoi" (I'm cool)  HAHAHA. He is such a dork.
The third was still of him in the air but this time the caption was "Oh? Why is the ground so far away?"
The fourth was of him on the ground with "Gushaa" as the caption. I think it's the sound effect of him crashing?
The last was of him on the ground still with "Mama--- *japanese sadface*" as the caption
He told us how he didn't know how he managed but he kept singing and finished his solo and when he went back inside he took off his sock and saw his toe was bent awkwardly.
Apparently Nakamaru was next to him and so Ueda asked him if he thought his left foot was bent.
Nakamaru answered: "Your right foot is bent too"

HAHAHA. Epic Maru fail.

Another talk with FivE. This time about drinking and how FivE have the image that Ueda drinks wine and is really elegant but then they all went drinking together and Ueda ordered lemon sawa (sour?) which is basically some sort of transparent liquor mixed with water and you add lemon juice in it. snowaltz says that it tasted like citron vodka (we went to an izakaya after the con and ordered the drink)
Ueda says that in FivE he has the greatest alcohol tolerance but he's the weakest in KAT-TUN.
(Which I find surprising because I can't imagine Maru drinking heaps of alcohol and getting drunk)

They also teased Riki about his hair (he was wearing a beret to cover it). I think they were saying he looked like some kind of character/person? Not too sure who they were talking about though. They got him to take off the beret and they all laughed at him. FYI, his hair was flattened by the beret and had a centre part.

There was quite a bit of fanservicing with Masamin. Ueda leaning towards Masamin, whispering in his ear..

In terms of the performance, it was really a good show. Much more theatrical than a KAT-TUN con with interludes and dancing and some acting on Tat-chan's part.
Prior to the Marie Antoinette perf, the chandeliers were shaking and it was all dark and sinister-ish. Tat-chan appeared in a bath tub with the dancers acting as servants and they handed him his towel and clothes and helped him get dressed. The dancers were wrapped in towels as well which Tat-chan pulled off when he was dressed and the dancers followed him as he walked towards a sofa set in the middle of the stage at the top of the stairs. They then had fire shooting out and they made it seem like they were being hunted down. The dancers were killed off one by one and Tat-chan ran back up the stairs to lie on the sofa while fire continues to shoot out and he dies in the end. More details in snowaltz comment here

Prior to Deep Red Drop (this is from snowaltz ) one of the dancers appeared dressed as a bride and she walked up the stage, up the steps and fell down. Tat-chan appears wearing a black hoodie looking sinister. Setting looked like something in Romeo and Juliet.

We both thought he looked really emotional and touched while singing the ballads- Love in Snow and Ai no Hana. It was a beautiful perf. Prior to Ai no Hana, there was a water show (similar to the one in BTR's Water Dance) with the dancers dressed as water nymphs or something. At the end of the perf, white and blue feathers fell from the ceiling over the front part of the arena.

During the Hara Pekoman perf, Tat-chan was dressed in a Rilakkuma costume and was on his tummy down on the ground which was absolutely adorable. The dancers pulled the costume off him where he wriggled about a bit more. Soooo cute <3

Towards the end, he was really high and getting us all to cheer. We were divided into right, centre and left groups and he called out each group and each group tried their best to cheer the loudest. He focussed only on the right and centre groups though and forgot about the left and everyone was like, ehhh to which he did the whole thing over and this time remembered to call out 'left' 
He is such a dork XDDDDD

He introduced the dancers again, one of whom he called ---onee-sama and called them sexy when they were showing off their skills in the end intro.
He also messed up the back-up singers' roles mixing up who was the rapper and who was the singer :P

They had giant balloons filled with normal sized balloons floating over various parts of the gymnasium and popped it after a song (I can't remember which now.. might have been Nido-man?)
When the balloons popped, everyone went crazy trying to grab one as each small balloon contains a sweet. The sweet has the crappy drawing of the Hara Pekoman face that Tat-chan did.
I swear, this kind of thing could turn ugly and injure some fans because one girl bent down to grab a balloon and everyone else pushed forward so she fell down. Could have had injuries there o.O

When the con was over and they started announcing we should leave the venue, everyone kept standing and shouted "encore". I think we must have shouted for a good 5 minutes before they switched on the lights again and Tat-chan came back on stage. At the very end he jumped up and down 20 times (he actually said Jump 20 or something) and when he finished he was like, another 20! And jumped non-stop another 20 times. 
 snowaltz and I were both concerned about his toe. He obviously wasn't. The silly boy :/
But then again, if there's someone with high pain tolerance, I think Tat-chan would fit the bill.
He also came out with his video camera and filmed all of us~

And there you go. I loved every single minute of the show and they should seriously consider releasing a DVD in addition to a solo album. I want to have a record version of Love in Snow *________*

P.S snowaltz added her comment here with a couple edits if you want to check it out.
Also edited my own report XD

fangirling, fun and excitement, subject titles can be awesome, eeeeeeeeeeeeee japan!!!, tat-chan

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