Oct 18, 2005 19:55
eeeeto...O_O *coppys avatar*
hmm today was a little bit complicated..
there was a meeting at schol to discuss all of our midterm grades and i completily forgot <<;
it shouldebt be any huge deal, i emailed the teacher as soon as i could about it and asked for a time to come in...when she mentioned it, it seemed more like a " well if you wana come in and look at your grades lets scedules a time" then a " you have to come here at this time"... but i know shehas to have us sign one of thoes teacher evals so i thought id save her the touble of tracking me down and jsut email her...
i think this guy was trying to ask me out at mcdonalds O.o, i dunno i bumped into him once before and he workds there and i said hi when i saw him in the store....when when i left he sorta...ran/walked out to catch me and start a conversation before i left.... it was kinda aquard... i alwase feel bad i sorta said i better get going then i wqas walking and he said "i saw you at the grocery store" so we talked a littlemore and i was worryed it looked like i was trying to shoo him away...becase im antischocial or mean or somehting <<;; but having a bf is a prety good excuse to be a bit antischocial to some one, but he didnt actuly ask me out jsut start a aquard convo in order to try to get to know me..he looked nerviouse<<;; like he was gona ask me out any second...was realy weird..felt stakerish too <<;;
i nerv know what to do in these situations... its like i have the power tomake to break that kidna thing and i dont feel like im the kindanperson to have that power O_. i dunno its not like i have a big black book fill of boys names that i can bring up at randome. not like have been on a bajiloon dats and im a supermodle shocialite...so its kinda wierd its like" im a plain looking girl ( well i do think i look kinda cute <<; ) thats kinda of a geek, i never dated in highschool,i dont have a huge social circle of freinds and im a introvert." so it seems wierd i have a power like that i dunno O_O its hard to explain..lol jsut feel like... im being treted like this person on a petistal who like higher up in status then whoevers trying toask me out and its like gaaa no not super modle i like anime for frikes sake...lol
but yea...i mean.. okay your probabily wondering why im rambeling on about this but..lol to allay fears no i didnt consider saying yes...the whole thing was realy aquard and i dont even feel quite yet the kinda girl that gets asked out O_0.. i havw quite a lovelt bf andb it wasent even a question of saying yes but geting away with out looking too mean <.<
its wierd right now i should be geting ready for clinical tomarow but no clinical..arum...
oh yea...well to get into somehting else now..lol
im kinda desperate in looking for episodes of this old tv show... i feel wierd saying what the show is <<;;
it ran in like 98-99 had about 50 eps id kill to see jsut one XD should have recorded that insteard of pokemon episodes ._... so yea the stupid thing is i though no one realy rememberd the show and i finaly plucked up the courage to look up into on it online and it turns out 2 sites had video clips of the entire series that were put on both sies about a year ago but the links dont work anymore
i left a nice "if you have any eps please send them this way"on a small semi active fourm on the show..
so yea maybe some one will be nice enough to send me some.. or a site that would put up more links or maybe a channel picking up the show again like the sci-fi channel *crosses fingers*
but yea thats about it...mainly.. i dont have anyhitng to worry about but mymind keeps telling me i do O_O; hard to listen to music some times becase thought thoughs keep pooping in my heard " you shouldent be doing this you have A B C D E F and G to worry about" but i dunno i think i have realy been over worrying about things...and i should relly tell my self more im not puting thigns off or being neglictfull if im not worrying about somehting 24-7
i hope to have a nice worry free night o.o
but anywho yea.. i better get going soo see ya next update * nibbles on hons ear*