There's someone that I really wanna bitch-slap right now.
Please don't act like you're oh-so-innocent. I will never believe that bullshit.
And stop using other ppl to get what you want. Stop using their money. PAY THEM BACK!
Stop saying that you're blessed to be able to get things that you want. THIS IS NOT A BLESS! YOU GET THEM BY USING OTHER PPL'S MONEY AND MAKING THEIR LIFE MISERABLE!
And please don't make it such a big deal when you are losing your friends one by one. IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT!
...*bashes keyboard*
I really wish I could slap her, but it's not me she's messing up with. But to mess up with my lovelies is the same like messing up with me. It hurts me too.
Oh how I wish I could tell the world who you really are so that no one will be deceived by you again.
I found this clip appropriate. and i changed the title of this entry too XDD
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