Mod-approved community pimping!

Sep 09, 2009 06:46

Hi everybody! Great job on the Kink Meme, and mad props to your awesome, awesome mod. :) I'm here to pimp out an affiliate, aific, and its sister comm, idolmeta!


Talking about Idol fic is almost as much fun as reading and writing it, and idolmeta is just the place where people get to do that! It's open membership, and members are encouraged to take part in discussions and start their own posts. We also host bimontly fic discussion posts, alternating with ontd_ai. If you need help with a WIP, if there's a new story you're dying to rec, if you're wondering who's more of a fandom Little Black Dress, if you have a crazy theory on why Matt Giraud needs to be present in every fic (I do!), come to idolmeta and we'd be happy to discuss it with you!

Important links:
Beta reader post (find your own beta reader, or offer your services as one)
Plot bunny adoption and drop-off post (for writers looking for inspiration, or anyone with an idea they'd like someone else to write)
Ask the Author information and sign-up post (we feature a different author every Thursday and Sunday, and members get to ask them questions!)


A community born out of the intention to create a place where one could be assured of the quality of fanfic posted, aific selects its writers through an application process:
  1. An author will apply by filling out our sign-up form in a comment. The applicant is asked to provide a brief fandom history, and links to three fics he or she wishes to be considered based upon. If they so choose, they may also request constructive criticism from the voters.
  2. Their application will be posted to the community, open to everybody so that they can be voted on. All votes must be anonymous, otherwise they will not be counted. Applications will be open to voting for a period of five (5) days.
  3. The application has to receive at least ten (10) votes for the moderators to determine a majority. If the author receives a majority of "yes" votes, he or she is officially accepted into the community, and will be granted access for cross-posting.
  4. Once accepted, authors are allowed to link back to all of their AI fics written prior to their application in one masterlist post.

I hope to see you all on both comms! :D
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