Kink Meme Discussion Post

Aug 26, 2009 11:49

Welcome to the first ever AI Kink Meme discussion post! This post is in no way meant to replace the serious fic discussions that happen over at idolmeta. The idea here is to have an anonymous place to discuss anything and everything related to the kink meme.

We currently have nearly 600 prompts on the first kink meme with lots of those filled already. I am currently working to get an updated index up hopefully later today or tomorrow - you people are prolific! But until then, there is plenty to talk about.

I know that consensus from the poll was that people did want to see some organized threads in the discussion post, and I am totally not ignoring you guys on that, but I thought we could just see how it goes for the first discussion. For one thing, this will give a better indication of the types of things everyone wants to discuss, and then if it seems like something people want to do again, we can make it a bit more organized for next time.

For now, just have at it. You can talk about your favorite fics from the kink meme, or which ones you are dying to know who wrote so you can stalk them. Or discuss your favorite prompts - the ones you're tracking and hoping desperately that someone writes. Talk about a prompt you're tempted to write and let others nudge you in that direction. Go nuts! Squee over all the awesome fic! Own up to something you wrote if you want!

Anonymous commenting is on and IP logging is off (that is a permanent of this comm, btw), so there's no shame here. Of course you are always free to post logged in if you like. The only thing I ask is no wank please :D

Here's a link to the kink meme: Kink Meme #1

Have fun!
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