Kink Meme Fic Discussion Posts

Aug 23, 2009 01:05

I've been thinking about posting period fic discussions to go with the kink meme. These discussions would in no way be serious business fic discussions (for those please go to idolmeta where you can actually learn something useful!) but rather a fun place to discuss anything from the kink meme. For example, you could discuss which stories are your favorites, which ones you're desperate to know who wrote, and what prompts your dying to have filled. You can post anonymous or logged in, and basically talk and flail and squee about anything related to the kink meme as long as it's not wank.

We could try to make it slightly organized by having designated threads, such as a thread for filled prompts discussion, a thread for the unfilled prompts you love the most, etc. The other option is to just go all out crazy. Also, we could have these at prearranged times, or just whenever I get to posting it and then it would just be sort of ongoing. You could come and go whenever, sort of like how the kink meme works.

So with that in mind, I bring you ai_kinkmeme's first ever poll:


I'm still looking for volunteers to help with indexing and coding, and if anybody wants to donate their time and creativity to making the comm look a little fancier than I am capable of doing myself, I would be so grateful I'd write any prompt of your choosing. Yes, any. I have no shame.
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