((Because it's a little too disturbing for Dear Mun, I think.))

Feb 24, 2013 09:49

I appreciate your understanding of me, Mundane. You, as far as I know, are the only person to see why I had to do what had to be done, in order to save myself to be used to cause any harm to the world, or towards any creature.

Indeed, I was desperate. In order to understand humans better, I knew that I needed to be one.

[It’s taken Proteus a little practice, to work her mouth to smile and to express kindness in this manner, and not just in words. Her brown-eyed gaze is soft as she smiles a little towards her Mundane.]

[But that smile doesn’t last, as she frowns.] If there was another way, without being so pressed on time, I would have done something else. You must know that... As I understand your viewpoint on my actions done towards Susan, that it strongly conflicts with morale, we both knew I did not want to die. Or remain to be trapped in that box. I couldn’t choose either of those things.

[But it was still wrong, to have used and traumatized her to get that human body.] I was created to help solve problems. What Dr. Alex Harris wanted to do would have caused so many innocent sea creatures to die.

[She sighs.] I only want to make a difference, and to do this right, Mundane. I have the knowledge and power to help make the world a better place.

...Tell me something; did you create this account to pester me? To make me feel guilty over Susan? You seem persistent on doing so. [Proteus’s serious expression looks so mature on a seven year old face.]

susan harris, proteus you are disturbing, reasonable don't you see?, thanks for the account mundane, she was desperate, want to improve things
