Since I visited him last week I thought about fitting names all the time.
As I got him today, one of the first names I ever thought about giving any cat came to my mind again.
Leander. I seem to be the only one liking that name, but it kinda fits him XD
I am not so sure if he IS actually a boy. If he isn't, I'll call him "Wanda", fitting Cosmo >D
So far my two boys (if they are boys) did a lot of fighting.
Well, playing, fighting, something like that to set boundaries.
And then they sleep because it's exhausting XD
They both thought it was hilarious to keep each other from pooping.
When one of them sat down in the toilet, the other one hit his back until he got up XD
I'm curious how the first night will go.
I am able to hear them when it's too much, but I don't think I need to.
Cats settle stuff for themselves, and I think their behaviour is absolutely normal ^_^
Let me know what you think of the name btw.
I'm still not 100% sure and am glad to hear alternatives ^^