I've been doodling stuff for a few months now, but now that I got a bit of a feeling how to draw Sherlock and John, I've drawn more and more. Not that I'm really good, but I own a new WIFI scanner, so I can scan stuff right from my sofa as well XD Hooray for laziness!
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I doodles this while I was on the phone with
neko_miko. Originally I wanted to colour this, but ... well, teh laziness.
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They look a bit weird because this was one of my firsts, but I just needed to scan it ♥
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Well ... *lol*
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This took quite some time and I kind of hate it. John looks so stupid. But Sherlock looks quite decent, so I included it.
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Who needs anatomy \o/
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I bought a black sketchbook and loved doodling on it with a white pen. I have some more ideas for little comics with those two, I hope to find some time to draw them. They are so easy to draw and so cuddly ♥
This guy took about 10 seconds drawing and half an hour shameless giggling. It was so quick done and it's the perfect personification. At least the best I've ever created XDDD
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Quick sketch without eyes for anatomy.
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Last but not least:
Art for
urania_chan, because she's going to Norway on tuesday for a while. She keeps kicking my ass, that I need to scan and draw more stuff. I'm glad she does, otherwise this post would not exist XD I told her that she can make a request, because I am such a lazy ass. She requested John in his striped jumper (because he's the best thing ever, admit it). Which is kind of funny actually, because he kinda ALWAYS wears this when I draw him *lol*
Really quick colours this time, which look way better than the colours I really take time for *fails*
Keep your eyes open for the second art dump, which will be a NSFW one ♥