New Layout ♥

Sep 24, 2008 22:30

Lately I've gotten much into Shuuhei/Kira again, but suddenly I felt the urge to fangirl about Grimmjow ...
I have no idea why, but that's the reason I made my layout out of a wallpaper I love very much XD
It was made by enjoyelsilence and wasn't much of work to make this into a header.

Long talk, very short sense: ai_chi ai_chi ai_chi ai_chi

And there was something strange ... The icon I am using with this entry is also my new standard-icon. But when I wanted to choose it as standard - it was replaced by this icon, which I never had on my harddisk O_O;;; (and the Grimmjow-Icon was uploaded a few months ago, and it worked until now)
@Grauzone: Admit it - someone of you hacked my account again >DDDDD

AGFHGLDLADGGL &#%#$§+#-Telekom!!111

bleach, layout

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