Kink Meme #1

Aug 18, 2009 23:36


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kink meme #1, !kink memes

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filled? anonymous August 19 2009, 09:39:22 UTC
idk, i kind of strayed~ from the lazy part. :[ i can re-do it though, if you like.
also, while writing this, my y key popped off my laptop, i almost choked to death, and... idk, i hope you like it :D

Adam is not a morning person whatsoever. He never really has been and he doesn't plan to change anytime soon. He takes great advantage of this because they've had a string of days off lately from the tour, and it's his second morning waking up in a hotel bed. It's not as good as home, but, it's so much better than a bunk.

When he wakes up, Adam almost falls right into the damn wall, because his eyes refuse to open all and he doesn't posses the coordination to get up, let alone walk, right now. Plus, the only source of light is coming from between the blinds of the window - which is right next to Adam's bed. But, damnit, he has to pee. After catching his balance, Adam looks over at his hotel roommate, Kris, and of course, he hasn't even stirred.

When Adam returns from the bathroom (where he was blinded from the lights, and refused to glance at his reflection) he stands to the side of the room and looks between the two beds. Somehow, Kris' small body curled up under the comforter is much more inviting than his own bed, where the sheets and blankets are messy and rumpled because Adam takes up too much space. Soon enough, he's crawling in bed with Kris to resume sleeping.

This is finally when Kris stirs. He rolls over and his hand makes a brief appearance out from under the covers to rub one eye, while the other cracks open to look at Adam. His brown hair is sticking up in so many different places and he's practically radiating bed warmth. "What're you doing?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows and looking at Adam. Initially, Adam hadn't thought this would be a big deal or question, since the two of them have already been messing around and getting close(r than usual.)

"Layin' in your bed - what's it look like?" Adam retorts. "Besides, I got tired of only dreaming about you." Adam smiles.

This, in turn, makes Kris smile. He kind of laughs because that line was so cheesy, But it totally worked on him because within seconds he's moving closer to Adam and wrapping his arms around the older man's waist. This is when Adam realizes that Kris is only wearing a wife-beater and boxers. Adam, himself, opted to just wear loose, dark blue pajama pants. They're really soft and, for that fact, Adam opts to not wear underwear under them.


Re: filled? anonymous August 19 2009, 09:41:23 UTC
Kris has plans to fall back asleep; Adam definitely does not, for once in his life. He instead puts his arms back around Kris and slides himself down some, so he can kiss the sweet skin that is Kris' neck. Kris whines in protest at first, but Adam gets the spot behind his ear and he can feel Kris melt into the mattress. This? This makes Adam smile.

Kris gets into some sort of groove with Adam kissing his neck, and Kris closes in the few inches of space between them. He's still practically half asleep, but this is when Adam realizes that the Idol winner is half hard, too. Adam's hand slides down to cup Kris' ass and he pulls his mouth back to press it to Kris'. He works his tongue between Kris' lips and gives a soft moan, wondering for a moment what time it is and who could possibly hear them. He quickly dismisses this thought when Kris wraps a leg over his. Using his new leverage, the smaller man pulls himself on top of Adam and rolls him so Adam is now flat on his back with Kris straddling him. Kris sleepily smiles at his achievement and makes a small noise as he stretches out his back. Adam can hear a faint popping sound and watches Kris' body shake a little in response. He leans back down and his face hovers over Adam's before the other leans up and starts kissing him again.

Kris positions his hips over Adam's and starts grinding down on the older man, but due to the fabric of their jeans and how tired Kris obviously is, his hips slide back a few times. On the fourth try, Adam wises up and looks down at Kris' hips before taking hold of them tightly. Adam puts his attention back on Kris' neck as he starts up with the grinding again, with a please smile crossing over his face.

After a while, the wife beater is thrown somewhere across the room. Kris' hips are starting to get tired, and he lazily tries to push through the feeling because ohmyGod this is feeling so good right now. His movements get slow, sloppy and jerky, and Adam almost whimpers when Kris does stop. Adam cups the back of Kris' neck and pulls him down, whispering in his ear, "I think we've got enough time..." his voice trails off and he licks the outer shell over Kris' ear, making him shudder and he nods.

Adam quickly gets out of bed and goes over to his duffel bag, furrowing his dark eyebrows as he sorts through clothes and stuff that's just in his way, while Kris examines his ass. Finally, Adam just gets frustrated and pulls out handfuls of dark clothing and drops them on the floor. He makes a small 'a-ha!' sound as he snatches out a condom and a bottle of lube from his bag.

He crawls back on top of Kris, gyrating their hips together hard, and Kris' head falls back and he moans. His hands move to the waistband of Adam's pants and shoves them down as he leans in and starts circling his tongue around one of Adam's nipples lazily. Soon enough, the pants and boxers are dealt the same fate as the wife beater, the condom's on, and two fingers are deep inside of Kris. Adam's sitting on the bed, his feet flat on the ground. Kris as a leg on either side of him and he's hovering above Adam's cock, making small sounds and faces as Adam's fingers continue to work inside of him. Adam slips in a third finger and Kris kisses, squeezing his eyes shut, moaning something completely incoherent and digging his fingertips into Adam's shoulders.


Re: filled? anonymous August 19 2009, 09:42:51 UTC
When Adam's done, Kris doesn't hesitate at all before he starts sliding himself down Adam's length. It hurts, as it usually does, and he writhes in the pain for a few moments, almost too tired to really care. All of the tingling sensation is building up and shooting up his spine, straight to his cock and up in his nipples. Once he's settled, he starts moving his hips up and down, hooking his arms around Adam's neck.

Adam groans and leans his head on Kris' shoulder, holding on to his hips again, pulling them down harder as he silently begged. Kris gets that tired feeling in his hips again. "Fuck, fuck, Adam," he's panting, and when he stops it takes everything he has not to touch himself. Adam almost laughs, because he realizes Kris' eyes still are barely open, and he's so tired that he stumbles when he stands up from his place on Adam. He's about to bend Kris over when the younger picks up - "No, I don't wanna stand," he bites his lip and puts his hands over Adam's. Adam obliges, because thinking about it, his body's still tired too, and he'd probably fall over.

Kris is a step ahead in the decision though, and he gets back in bed, spreading his legs wide and kicking the blankets out of the way so Adam can see. Once Kris is ready to go again, Adam's thrusting in and out of him. One of Kris' hands is twisting in the sheets, the other is grabbing at Adam's side. His eyes are closed tightly again and his teeth are clenched and his muscles are closing tighter and tighter around Adam. His breathing comes in deep gasps, and he opens both of his eyes for the first time to look at Adam's face. He starts moaning, and, fuck, Adam could come from looking at Kris' face alone.

Kris' hips start bucking down against Adam, wanting to get off as quick as possible, and he, for a split seconds remembers a scene from House M.D. where a couple had early morning, rough sex (he only saw it because somebody else has reruns going on his laptop.) He quickly gets that out of his mind when Adam's finally thrusting into his prostate. He moans loudly, reaching down to jack himself off. Adam leans down and starts kissing Kris' neck, gently biting at the lower spots that can be hidden by shirts. He feels Kris' thighs shake and when he pulls back, Kris has that face. He drawls in a deep breath and starts panting, biting his lower lip. Adam knows that this means Kris is close.

So Adam backs off with his thrusting and sits back on his knees. Kris' cheeks go red as he looks up at Adam, who's pulling his body closer. They're definitely in more of a love making position, and when Adam starts his slower thrusts, Kris almost dies because he's so deep and right on his prostate. Adam's face is flushed and he keeps up his rhythm, reaching to Kris' cock and teasing the head. Kris moans appreciatively, thankful for being touched finally, and bucks into Adam's hand. "Adam, for the love of God, I just want to get off. You're a tease."

They switch positions again so Kris is holding on to the head board of the bed and his ass is offered to Adam, who is doing his job in thrusting into Kris so quickly that Kris is seeing spots and can't catch his breath, and his hand is around his cock. Adam hits his prostate over and over, moaning himself and digging his nails into Kris' hips. When Kris finally hits his orgasm, his knuckles go white on the headboard and he pushes himself back against Adam, choking for air, his face bright red before he can finally cry out. Every muscle in his lower body tightens and his toes even curl, a wave of tingling heat rushes throughout his body and he feels the hot, sticky mess all over his hand. He's left shaking, and his muscles are still spasming, which gets Adam to come. He stops his thrusting and groans lowly, taking in a few final thrusts that make Kris close his eyes again.


Re: filled? anonymous August 19 2009, 09:43:39 UTC
When Adam pulls out, Kris collapses on the bed, curling up under his blankets again, breathing so heavily his chest hurts. When Adam gets back into bed, he reaches between them and grabs Kris' hand, swirling his tongue around each finger and nipping at the finger tips. His tongue works down between each finger, and when he's done, he leans in and kisses Kris, who's already on his way to falling back asleep.

"So much for round two," Adam comments, kissing Kris' cheek. Not long after, Adam has his arms around Kris and his face is nuzzled into the crook of the younger boys neck, snoring lightly.


Re: filled? anonymous August 19 2009, 12:29:16 UTC
Oh that was great! I love how Kris is sleepy throughout but still very interested in getting it on. And wow you wrote this fast!


Re: filled? dreamsofspike August 19 2009, 14:14:18 UTC
awwww, soooo hot and sweet :) you really captured a mood with this fic, very well done :)


Re: filled? anonymous August 20 2009, 18:49:49 UTC
Aw, thank you :) I wasn't sure if this was going to turn out great or not, so I was like "thank GOD there's an anon button" lmao.


Re: filled? anonymous August 20 2009, 18:48:39 UTC
I'm glad you liked it :) I haven't written fanfic in years and I never even TOUCHED AI before, so, I guess this was getting back into the swing of things...
I tried! I didn't want this thing to fail so I wanted to get a response up as soon as I could


Re: filled? anonymous August 20 2009, 06:31:49 UTC
That was brilliant!

Your tired!Kris was fucking perfect.



Re: filled? anonymous August 20 2009, 18:50:23 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it.


Re: filled? alexapaigethtk August 22 2009, 03:47:53 UTC
That was adorable!
Great job! =)


Re: filled? ~author anonymous August 22 2009, 16:10:20 UTC
Thanks :D


(The comment has been removed)

Re: filled? ~ author anonymous August 22 2009, 16:11:55 UTC
Thank you :]


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